There Is Still a Remnant (2)

Date: Wednesday, 7th August, 2024

Text: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


We all came into the world as individuals and not as a group; God also relates with us the same way. He deals with each person as an individual; therefore, don’t get carried away or pressured by the ungodly decision of the crowd. You are unique and special.

In the midst of an ungodly throng, why not stand out for God? For you to know the value of a single soul, the word of God says, the whole of Heaven rejoices when just a single soul repents, forsakes his sins and begins to live a holy life- Luke 15:7.

From time immemorial the multitudes have always failed to respond positively to God’s will. During the time of Noah, you can imagine out of the billions of souls in the world, only 8 were saved when God destroyed the whole world with the flood- 1 Peter 3:20.

The word of God forbids every human from siding with the crowd to do evil. Siding with the crowd against God’s will is synonymous to worldliness. Doing so is tantamount to friendship with the world which is equal to enmity with God- James 4:4.

Don’t be deceived, you won’t be approved by God based on the number of likes, views and followers you get you get on Social Media; because the approval of men does not equate the approval of God.

There is still a remnant that have decided to come out from among the disobedient crowd and separate themselves unto the Lord in obedience; these are the true sons and daughters of the Most High- 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.

Prayer Nugget: Father, I choose to separate myself and stand out in obedience in Jesus name.

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