The Earth is the Lord’s (4)

Date: Saturday, 24th August, 2024

Text: Jeremiah 32:27

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The overall Landlord of the Earth says, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” -Jeremiah 32:27. He has the sovereign right to bypass protocols and bless you. He can override panel or board decisions to achieve His aims and objectives in your life.

Potiphar, the captain of the Egyptian king’s guard bought a slave boy called Joseph. He was impressed by his intelligence and skills and put him in charge of his household. But the tide of events turned against the innocent boy and he was locked up in prison for two whole years.

All hopes seemed lost for the Jewish prisoner. It was as though he was going to rot in jail because he had no family, friend or lawyer to plead his case. He was forgotten and abandoned in the prison.

However, there is a God in Heaven, the Lawgiver, the King of kings and the Chief Judge of the whole Earth who stepped into Joseph’s case and overrode the decision of Potiphar. The case against Joseph was dismissed and he was discharged and acquitted. As if that was not enough, Pharaoh promoted the slave boy to become the Prime Minister and Second in Command to the king- Genesis 39-41.

I don’t know the desperate or difficult situation in which you have found yourself at this time. Maybe your situation looks hopeless and all your family and friends have abandoned you. Don’t worry; just love God like Joseph; your waiting time is almost over. The God of the whole Earth will remember and vindicate you in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: Father, because nothing is too difficult for you, please step into my situation this season in Jesus name.

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