Special Prayers for Children

Date: Monday, 27th May, 2024

Text: Psalm 127:3-5

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Today is Children’s Day in Nigeria and it’s dedicated to celebrating children all over the world, and for adults to remember their childhood experiences. It is indeed a special day to recognize, honor, celebrate and appreciate children

The foundation of a building determines the future of that building. Children whose foundations are built on the solid rock of God’s word would be able to withstand the temptations and pressures of life without sinking. The word of God says, “They that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits”. Daniel 11:32b.

May all our children be strong in the knowledge of God and may they do exploits in life in Jesus name. But for that prayer to be answered parents and guardians must be deliberate in taking steps in that direction. What steps are you taking to make that happen? What are you doing to lead your children in the paths of godliness?

What are you doing to make sure your children love the things of God? Some children find the things of God distasteful and boring because their parents did nothing to make a difference in their spiritual lives. If you as a parent don’t have a solid relationship with the LORD, how do you expect your children to do otherwise?

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing. Psalm 127:4 says, “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.”

An arrow is specially crafted to be aimed at a particular direction and to make a specific impact. In what direction are you aiming your arrows? Parents are the ones divinely saddled with the immense responsibility of building their arrows in preparation for a global impact.

May we not fail over our children in Jesus name.

Prayer Nuggets:

1, Father, thank you for giving us children.

2. Lord Jesus we bless your holy name for the lives of our children.

3. Father, please forgive us in any area we have erred concerning the parenting of our children in Jesus name.

4. Father please, in your infinite mercy, remember the barren ones and open their wombs in Jesus name.

5. Let the pregnant ones not miscarry but carry their babies to term and deliver spontaneously in Jesus name.

6. Father, let it be well with our children in Jesus name.

7. Our children will not be sons and daughters of Belial in Jesus name.

8. May our children be taught of the Lord and may their peace be great in Jesus name.

9. Father we pray that your spirit and presence will never depart from the lives of our children in Jesus name.

10. Add your own prayer nuggets.

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