Solomon’s Choice (2)

Date: Tuesday, 7th May, 2024

Text: 1 Samuel 16:9-13

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Solomon was made king though he was not humanly qualified being one of the youngest sons of his father. But that scenario was not new because even David, his Father became king under similar circumstances. He himself was the eighth son of Jesse; but when Samuel came with the oil to anoint the king, he found none of his seven elder brothers worthy of kingship. So it was favour that brought David from the back to the front row- 1 Samuel 16:9-13.

Therefore, what happened to Solomon was a trend inherited from David, his father. Just like favour can be inherited, so also bad luck can pass from your parents to you. If there are negative things that happened to your parents, you need to pray that you don’t inherit them.

Broken marriages run in some families; in some other families it is common that they have children out of wedlock either through pre or extra marital affairs. Barrenness is a common trend in some lineages.

For example, Abraham had a delay in child bearing till he was aged 100- Genesis 21:5; Isaac his son too had a delay till he was 60- Genesis 25:21-26. The barrenness also passed to Jacob’s beloved wife, Rachel, so much so that Joseph was born to Jacob in his old age- Genesis 29:31; 37:3. You can see the problem running from grandfather to grandson.

Have you noticed some great trends in your parents or lineage? Pray that they also happen in your life; they may not be automatic. Conversely, you need to deliberately pray away any negative trends you have noticed in your parents, lineage or ancestry.

Only Christ has the power to reverse the irreversible for you. Surrender to him today and watch him do the impossible in your life. Victory shall be yours in Jesus name.

Action Nugget: Pray in the great and pray away any negative trends you have noticed in your parents, lineage or ancestry.

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