Sing A New Song

Date: Monday, 1st January, 2024

Text: Psalms 144:9-15

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Congratulations because you have successfully crossed over into the New Year. In the Year 2024, you will sing a New Song in Jesus name. Let us pray.

Prayer Nuggets

1. Father, thank you for the New Year 2024.

2. Alpha and Omega, we thank you because you are the Controller of my times and seasons.

3. Father, I humble myself before you and turn away from every wicked way in Jesus name.

4. Holy Spirit, please, help my heart to be in the right tune with the Father in Jesus name.

5. Father, I ask that you show me the unique formula that unlocks your blessings in the New Year in Jesus name.

6. Father, I ask for that specific word to run with, in the New Year in Jesus name.

7. Father, I ask that you fulfil those long-standing promises of yours in my life in Jesus name.

8. Father, I ask that you thwart every agenda of the wicked one and neutralize their weapons in my life in Jesus name.

9. Father, I pray that your purpose and plans for my life in 2024 comes to fruition and speedy fulfilment in Jesus name.

10. Father, please, help me to walk with you steadfastly in the New Year in Jesus name.

11. Father, let none of my efforts in the New Year be wasted in Jesus name.

12. Father, please cause me to eat the fruit of my labour in the New Year in Jesus name.

13. In the New Year, may I not journey with those who have been divinely marked for destruction and judgement (like Jonah) in Jesus name.

14. Father, throughout 2024 be my perfect guide and guard- a pillar of Cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night in Jesus name.

15. Father, help me to be more devoted, consecrated and dedicated to you in the New Year in Jesus name.

16. Father, please, cause me to sing a New Song in 2024.

17. Ask God for your specific requests for the New Year.

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