Serve Him Young (6)

Date: Tuesday, 13th February, 2024

Texts: Genesis 22:1-14; Isaiah 54:13

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The question that Isaac asked his father, Abraham in Genesis 22:7, on their way to offer the sacrifice on Mount Moriah shows that the boy was very conversant with the worship procedure courtesy of his father’s intentional training. He asked “My father: …Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?”  .

May we not also fail to catch our children young for God in Jesus name.

Let’s pray.


1. Father, thank you for making me a parent.

2. Father, please, forgive me in any area I have failed in my spiritual responsibilities in training my children your way in Jesus name.

3. Father, please, cause my children to grow in wisdom and grace in Jesus name.

4. Father, please, cause my children to grow in favour with you and with men in Jesus name.

5. Father, according to your promise in Joel 2:28-29, please, fill my children with your spirit in these last days in Jesus name.

6. Lord Jesus, you are the Great Teacher, please, let my children be personally taught of you and let their peace be great in Jesus name.

7. Let your reverential fear rule the hearts of my children throughout their sojourn on the planet Earth in Jesus name.

8. My children will not become sons and daughters of Belial in Jesus name.

9. In Jesus name, my children will not go their own way, but the way God has ordained for them.

10. My children’s destinies and glories will not be hijacked by the devil in Jesus name.

11. My sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and my daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace in Jesus name.

12. Add your personal prayer nuggets for your children.

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