Serve Him Young (2)

Date: Friday, 9th February, 2024

Text: Proverbs 22:6

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The reason why some people find themselves not serving God at their youthful age is because they have not known God from their childhood. They were born to unbelieving parents who did not show them the way of the Lord. No one can give what he does not have.

Some parents even know the way of the Lord but they failed to show their children God’s way  as early as possible. Human psychologists say that a child is most likely to imbibe a training or teaching if it is inculcated into him before the age of 6. To inculcate is to instill an idea, attitude, or habit by persistent instruction. It is not a day job; rather, a continuous process, until Christ is fully formed in them.

That means you should start teaching your children the way of the Lord long before they clock 6 years old. After the age of six, the child will start forming a mind of his own. And it may be more challenging to ‘bend’ the child after this age.

Surprisingly, I have seen parents who still think their children are too small to learn the ways of God at teenage! So they leave them to do whatever they wish under the guise of ‘they are too young’.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs” 22:6

Prayer Nugget: Father, please grant me the wisdom and grace to teach my children the way of the Lord.

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