Rejoice and Be Glad

Date: Thursday, 12th October, 2023

Text: Psalm 118:24

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The Sweet Psalmist of Israel wrote, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24.

Why should we rejoice in the day the Lord has made? Firstly, it is the commandment of the Lord that we rejoice evermore 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Sorrow is not a fruit of the Spirit, but the perfect will of the Father is for us to rejoice evermore.

Another reason why we should rejoice in each day is that God daily bears our burdens and loads us with benefits- Psalm 68:19. It is our duty to unlock and activate those benefits in the place of heartfelt worship and prayers.

Thirdly, the plans of God for you each day is for good and not for evil, to bring you to an expected end; to give you hope and a future- Jeremiah 29:11. Each day has its own challenges but Jesus has overcome them in advance for you even before you were born.

Are you on the Lord’s side? Are you a Lover of Him? If yes, then you are more than a conqueror. Approach the throne of grace humbly but boldly to access daily mercies and grace to cater for your daily needs. If no, His loving arms are still wide open waiting for you. Seek Him while He may be found. Tomorrow may be too late.

Prayer Nugget: Father, thank you for this day which You have made, I rejoice and I am glad in it.

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