Pray Your Way Into 2024

Date: Friday, 29th December, 2023

Text: Psalm 33:10-11

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


No two years are the same. So the strategy you used this year may not work in 2024. You need to go to God the One who knows the end from the beginning. Humble yourself before Him and ask Him to show you the unique formula that unlocks His blessings of the New Year. Receive a specific word to run with, in the New Year.

Through fellowship with God, prayers and fasting you can also set the right spiritual atmosphere for the Year 2024. Many are pregnant with ideas and plans for the New Year but just like biological pregnancies; it takes physical and spiritual care to carry it to full term and to deliver it safely. I pray for you that you will neither experience miscarriages nor still birth of your 2024 blessings in Jesus name.

First of all, you need to be in tune with God. You cannot continue in sin as say the grace of God should abound. God forbid! Repent from every known sin and get your heart right with God. Surrender your totality to Jesus Christ. He is the One who has the keys or Password of the New Year.

Secondly, ensure that your agenda for 2024 agree with God’s plans, otherwise, don’t expect the Almighty to sponsor a project he did not initiate.

Next carry out “Operation Ps33:10-11”. What does this code mean? The Word of God will help us decode. The Psalmist said, The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.” Psalm 33:10-11

In other words, prayerfully ask God to thwart every agenda of the wicked one and neutralize their weapons. Command that the purpose and plans of God for your life in 2024 comes to fruition and speedy fulfilment in Jesus name.

Are there promises God has made to you but which He has not fulfilled? It is time to ask Him to fulfil it.

2024 shall be a greater Year for you and your household in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: Father, please, frustrate the purpose of the enemy; keep him from carrying out his plans. But let your divine plan endure forever; and your purpose last eternally in my life in Jesus name.

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