Pray Effectively (12)

Date: Sunday, 21st January, 2024

Text: Judges 20:1-48

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


At a time when Israel had no king, there was a case of gang rape involving some street boys from Gibeah in Benjamin and a young lady from Bethlehem in Judah. The lady was raped to death from night till morning by these heartless men and it led to a civil war between the tribe of Benjamin and the remaining 11 tribes of Israel- Judges 19.

Four hundred thousand (400,000) soldiers from Israel were arrayed against twenty six thousand (26,000) soldiers from Benjamin. It was a three-day Civil War. Israel with the larger army prayed to God for guidance before they engaged in battle the first day. God answered them but they came back defeated having lost twenty-two thousand (22,000) men. Judges 20:21

The Israelites went back to God and prayed; this time they added weeping to their prayers. God spoke to them again. So they encouraged themselves and went back to war the second day, but they met with defeat again losing eighteen thousand (18,000) men- Judges 20:25.

They did not give up but went back to God, this time, they did things differently; in addition to weeping, they fasted and offered to the Lord Burnt offerings and Peace offerings. And God took over the battle from them. God fought their battles for them and the Benjamites were beaten hands down, losing about twenty five thousand (25,000) soldiers and they burnt their cities- Judges 20: 26-48.

Sometimes, for your prayers to be answered, you need to go the extra miles of adding bountiful offerings to it. And you will see your testimonies coming speedily; God will take over your battles and you will laugh last in Jesus name.

Action Point: Support your prayers with bountiful sacrifices and your miracles will appear speedily.

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