Made Whole

Date: Saturday, 30th September, 2023

Text: Luke 17: 11-19

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The word ‘whole’ means total, complete, full or entire. It is one thing to be healed; it is another thing to be made whole. In today’s text, ten lepers were cleansed but only one of them came to give thanks to Jesus; and he was a foreigner, a Samaritan. The Lord said unto him, “Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.” Luke 17:19. This Samaritan got something deeper than just healing- he was made whole.

Man is made up of spirit, soul and body.

Therefore, to be made whole, the healing goes beyond just bodily healing. It also involves the healing of the soul and spirit. The body functions by its five senses, namely, sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. When the body prospers it means it is in its best state of health; this is God’s perfect will- 3 John 2.

The soul is the centre of our mind, will, thoughts and emotions. A prosperous soul is a mind that has been transformed by the word of God (Romans 12:1-2); one from which edifying thoughts proceed- a good tree brings forth food fruit (Matthew 7:17); one that that is rich in love, hope and faith in God and is controlled or regulated by the Spirit of Christ.

Our spirit is like a lamp to the Lord. With it God is able to see into the deepest parts of our being; searching and examining all the inner recesses thereof (Proverbs 20:27). We cannot hide from Him. A prosperous spirit is one that is led or guided by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14).

To be made whole therefore, is to experience healing and prosperity in the spirit, soul and body. May this be your portion in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: Father, please prosper me spirit, soul and body in Jesus name.

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