Instruction Saves

Date: Saturday, 13th April, 2024

Text: Proverbs 12:1

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The story was told of a man who travelled to another country on an airplane for a conference meeting. He had booked a return ticket with the commercial plane with which he arrived there. However, a fellow whom he met at the conference came on a private jet; he was his own pilot. He persuaded him that they should both return back on his jet. Reluctantly he agreed to accompany him after much persuasion. After boarding the airplane, the passenger compelled both of them to pray together before take-off.

Expectedly, the jet taxied along the tarmac, gained momentum and took off into the air. It was not long after they got into the air that the pilot fell asleep! He did everything to wake him up but he did not respond. Then he became very perplexed and fearful. He was never a pilot and had no idea of any button to press out of all the numerous buttons starring at him in the cockpit.

But in his confused state, he was able to recognize a radio device there and something told him to pick it up and speak into it. He explained how he found himself in a plane with a sleeping pilot; and asked anyone who can help to kindly assist. Fortunately for him some pilots flying on nearby aircrafts heard him and began calling one another for help. Some of them radioed him back and asked him to calm down as they find a way to help him.

Eventually, his case got reported to the nearest control tower. They traced the airplane in question from their end and began monitoring it. Suddenly, the helpless passenger on the plane heard a voice from the radio device. The voice told him that he should calm down and not panic anymore. It assured him that the plane was closely monitored and that they would guide him step by step till he land safely only if he would follow all its instructions.

From time to time, the voice gradually guided him, describing which buttons to press using the colour and shape of each. It warned him ahead of rough terrains in the clouds and encouraged him never to panic when the plane trembled a little. The man followed all instructions religiously and after flying for a while, the voice guided him on how to land the plane safely.

The voice turned out to be that of a veteran pilot stationed at the Control Tower, who has had thousands of hours of flight experience. Ironically, after landing safely, the sleeping pilot woke up!

Instruction saved the passenger’s life. But unfortunately, some people hate instructions. They think instructions will not allow them to be free to live their lives the way they want. Many people die untimely simply because they hate instructions.

If a man’s instructions can save a life, how much more will divine instructions save life eternally?

Proverbs 12:1 says, “Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.”

Prophetic Nugget: Receive grace to follow divine instructions in Jesus name.

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