In His Presence (3)

Date: Saturday, 11th May, 2024

Text: Luke 1:5-20

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


In the presence of God natural laws are suspended and the supernatural holds sway. When that is the case miracles happen; signs and wonders become the order of the day. In His presence the impossible becomes possible and pronouncements become decrees that are confirmed immediately.

The parents of the greatest man born of a woman in the Old Testament had serious and prolonged delay in conceiving him. Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth both lived good lives in God’s sight and obeyed fully all the Lord’s laws and commands. They had no children because Elizabeth could not have any, and she and Zechariah were both very old.

When it was eventually time for God to take away their reproach, He sent the angel Gabriel to declare the good news of the birth of John, the Baptist. But Zechariah doubted and he asked for signs to prove that the angel was saying the truth.

Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know if this is so? I am an old man, and my wife is old also.” “I am Gabriel,” the angel answered. “I stand in the presence of God, who sent me to speak to you and tell you this good news.” Luke 1:5-20

The only assurance the angel had was the fact that he was ministering in God’s presence. Therefore his words became decrees. Elizabeth conceived according to the word of the angel and, in due time, the baby John (meaning Favour) was born.

Spend quality time in God’s presence and watch Him do the supernatural in your life and convert your pronouncements to decrees.

Prayer Nugget: Father, please, make me a lover of your presence in Jesus name.

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