How About Your Heart (3)?

Date: Thursday, 25th July, 2024

Text: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


One of other characteristics of a hardened heart is self-will and self-righteousness. His way seems right in his eyes. He lives his life based on some unwritten philosophies which are satanically inspired.

For example, beliefs like, “Somebody must go down for someone else to rise, therefore, I can do everything to pull my neighbour or colleague down for me to rise.” (Which part of the word of God says that?).

“The big fish must feed on the small fish in order to thrive in the river; therefore, it is okay to bully others.” (Are you a fish?)

“Something must kill someone therefore, it doesn’t matter whether I take health precautions or not.” “This is what is trending in the world now, so I don’t care what anybody says.”(The fact that it is popular before men does not make it acceptable before God, the judge of the whole Earth).

“I am not the first to have extra or premarital affairs; I am only being human, so what is the big deal?” (It is a serious matter before God; therefore, crucify the flesh and its desires.)

“Even concerning the so called Pastors; do you know what they do in secret?” (Why not leave God to handle that? He alone knows what everybody does in the secret)

“You, Mr Preacher, have you been to Heaven before? How are you so sure there is Heaven or Hell?” (The fact that you have never been to America before does not mean the nation does not exist; Jesus Christ has been to Heaven before and he is the Truth who preached a lot on the subject of Heaven and Hell)

All the above evil ideas and many more come from the devil. They cause doubts in the heart of people and harden them, making them unconcerned about doing God’s will.

The word of God says, “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

In order to prevent hardness of heart, you must not allow the seeds of doubt to take a stronghold in your heart, rather uproot them and cast out every ungodly thoughts and everything that is trying to compete with and nullify the word of God in your life. Make every thought bow to the authority of God’s word.

Let the word of God take root in your heart and let it grow mightily and prevail over other contending ideas from the devil. You are an overcomer in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: I pull down every stronghold of the devil competing with God’s word in my heart in Jesus name.

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