His 5-P Blessings

Date: Sunday, 5th November, 2023

Text: Psalm 91:15-16

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The word of God is loaded with assured promises for those who habitually dwell under his shelter. Today’s text says, “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.” Psalm 91 vs 15-16

We will examine , at least, 5-blessings packaged in the above scriptures.

First is the assurance of his presence always, especially in the time of trouble. When you pass through difficult situations or other stormy situations that threaten to drown you; God has promised to be with you, ensuring that no harm befalls you.

Second is the blessing of his protection from the fiery arrows of the evil one. Arrows fly by day and night but those who make God their Rock and shield have nothing to fear,

Third is the assurance of his promotion. Lifting comes from above not from any man. God’s honor and grace are available to distinguish his own from the rest.

Fourth is the blessing of God’s prosperity. He gives power to make wealth and delights in the prosperity of his servant. Optimal health in abundance is his will for those who put their trust in him.

The fifth blessing is that of preservation. Longevity is God’s will for his own. He has promised to satisfy his people with a long fulfilling life and show them his eternal salvation.

Why not be a partaker of these 5-fold blessings? Surrender your life to Jesus today and begin to enjoy his bumper package of blessings.

Prayer Nugget: Father, I choose to dwell in you, please, make me a candidate of your 5-fold blessings in Jesus name.

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