Head vs Heart Knowledge

Date: Monday, 13th November, 2023

Text: Romans 2:13

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Anybody with a sound mind can memorize and quote scriptures. Such people can be seen as being very religious. The Pharisees were in this category; they memorized the 39 books of the Old Testament, yet Jesus described them as sons of Hell- Matthew 23:15. Even demons know the scriptures and they tremble but that does not stop them from committing sin and wrecking havoc on the lives of Men- James 2:19.

What you know is not as important as what you do with what you know. The fact that you understand traffic signs and know the traffic rules does not mean that you will respect and obey them.

The Pharisees had the word of God in their memory but not in their hearts. They had the head knowledge but not the heart knowledge of God’s word. They taught and preached the word of God but did not practice what they preached.

Some people often wonder why we have so many religious institutions all over the world yet sin and corruption keep increasing. The reason is simple- most religious people only have the head-knowledge of God. They neither allowed the word of God to take root in their hearts nor internalized it.

When we allow the word of God to take its place in our hearts, our behaviour is transformed, our lives changed and we bear fruit of obedience unto righteousness.

It is not those who know the word that are blessed but those who do it- Romans 2:13.

Action Nugget: Be a doer of the word of God.

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