He Controls Times and Seasons

Date: Thursday, 19th September, 2024

Text: Daniel 2:21-23

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


One constant thing about life is change. Times and seasons change. In agriculture we understand that different crops are favoured by different seasons because the amount of rainfall, sunshine, humidity and other factors required for the optimal growth of different crops vary.

The fact that a crop is not yielding its fruit at a particular season does not make it barren or deficient. At its own time it would yield a good harvest. If you are operating under the management of Christ, there is nothing wrong with you. Just because things are not working now does not mean the fault is yours.

The Controller of times and seasons makes everything beautiful in his own time- Ecclesiastes 3:11a

Several years ago a brother was looking for job but got none. He was so brilliant and hardworking that he completed two undergraduate engineering programs concurrently, one a degree, the other a higher national diploma- both from very highly reputable federal institutions. He graduated with flying colours.

Despite these two great engineering qualifications he could not move forward. By the time he called me he was already frustrated and almost weeping on the phone asking me to pray for him. I did and also encouraged him to use his spare time to take some international exams, he did and before you know it he got admission into a foreign university in the USA with scholarships. He had since settled in America working and even married.

You are very close to your breakthrough. Just keep your faith alive and remain hardworking. The Controller of times and seasons will work out situations in your favour in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: Father, please, arrange times and seasons to favour me in Jesus Name.

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