Grace For The Humble

Date: Friday, 24th November, 2023

Text: James 4:6

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Being humble is better than being humiliated. Humility is the nature of God’s Spirit. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble – James 4:6. Wherever you find humility, you find wisdom and honour. Pride comes with shame and disgrace.-Proverbs 11:2; 18:12.

Pride is no respecter of social status. I have seen people who are poor and very arrogant. The converse also is also true. There are very wealthy people who are extremely humble. Of course those who are highly placed and financially enlarged should be more careful as they have more reasons to be puffed up.

Some individuals who are considered materially rich or wealthy don’t like to help the poor because they believe their achievement came by their own power. Such people should learn from King Nebuchadnezzar who believed all his achievement came from his efforts alone. By the time he recovered from 7-year insanity, he had learnt humility the hard way- Daniel 4:1-37. That will not be your portion in Jesus name.

God has a way of using the foolish things of the world to confound those who think they are wise. In a classroom containing both the rich and the poor, you sometimes see the children of the poor, being exceptionally brilliant despite all their economic disadvantages; while the sons and daughters of the rich struggle with poor grades despite all their privileges.

You sometimes see the children of the economically disadvantaged being very healthy while the seeds of the financially buoyant frequent the hospitals every now and then. At times you see the poor conceiving and giving birth easily while the one with financial strength battle with infertility.

God in His sovereignty does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?” Daniel 4:35.

Action Nugget: Stay humble!

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