Good Report Is Essential (2)

Date: Friday, 13th September, 2024

Text: Acts 6:3

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


When most reputable companies give employees jobs, they do their background checks of the individuals they are employing. In fact they even request for referees and guarantors; some international employers even request for Police Report; just to be sure that they are not dealing with the wrong employee.

There was a case of someone mentioned as one of the newly appointed Deacons in a church. When his name was pronounced there was a serious uproar from the members as they verbally protested against his appointment. On investigating it was learnt that this fellow had defrauded many of the congregants, hence the protest. Out of shame, he was forced to leave that church.

His problem was a lack of good report.

When there was a welfare administration problem in the church Deacons were selected and part of the selection committee’s mandate was to pick, “Seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom….”Acts 6:3. Again concerning the appointment of bishops, the word of God says, “Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.” 1Timothy 3:7

That been established it is also necessary to understand that the other extreme should be avoided. Some folks turn themselves to pretenders and hypocrites while trying to please men. God is not asking us to pretend to be who we are not in the process of trying to please men. Rather, we should please him first and also have good testimonies in our dealing with others.

Prayer Nugget: Father, please, grant me grace to conduct myself wisely in all my dealings in Jesus name.

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