Enlargement By Gratitude

Date: Sunday, 24th March, 2024

Text: 1 Samuel 2:1-10

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


As we have seen in the past few days, Hannah’s prayer was answered as God gave her a son; not just a son but one of the mightiest prophets in the world history. She was not expecting more children as she asked for only one child. However, God tests us with a little to see our attitude before deciding to enlarge our coasts.

The word of God says, “The one who is faithful with little will also be faithful with much; and the one who is dishonest with little will also be dishonest with much”- Luke 16:10.

Out of gratitude, Hannah sacrificed several burnt offerings to thank God for eradicating barrenness from her life. She even dedicated almost a whole chapter singing God’s praise for the miracle of a baby boy. God was pleased with the aroma of her thanksgiving and embarrassed her with an avalanche of multiple babies- five extra babies, totalling six children in all!

Has God blessed you with a little? Are you truly grateful? Instead of complaining and grumbling, why not heartily celebrate God for the little you have and watch God multiply that little? Little becomes much when gratitude comes to play.

Jesus gave thanks for few fishes and loaves of bread, and the Father multiplied that little so much that it fed five thousand men excluding women and children; infact they all ate and were satisfied. At the end they picked up twelve full baskets of the leftover broken pieces- Matthew 14:13-31..

Prophetic Nugget: May the Lord enlarge you on all sides in Jesus name.

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