Dress To God’s Glory (2)

Date: Thursday, 30th November, 2023

Text: Proverbs 7:6-12

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Every kingdom has its own culture and tradition. Modesty characterizes the Christian culture while immodesty is the trademark of the devil’s kingdom. It is against the culture of God’s kingdom for any of its citizens to dress like a harlot.

What is a harlot’s attire? In modern day language, they are called expensive rags. These are clothing designed and worn to attract men’s eyes to the bodies of a prostitute and excite the lusts of their flesh for sexual sins. They are accessories and apparel planned to maximize a harlot’s physical appearance for notice and enticement of men.

They flaunt their delicate parts, saying, “If you have got it, flaunt it.” They do it with the intention of getting the attention of the opposite sex. They reveal their breasts, tummies, bums, thighs and other body parts. At times they wear very tight body hugs or transparent clothing that makes their privacies public.

Unfortunately, so many so-called Christians do not understand who they are in Christ. Their motive of dressing is not to glorify God but to look sexy or to dress to kill. If you are looking sexy, you are not different from a harlot. If you are dressing to kill, you are unknowingly, doing the bidding of the devil whose aim from the beginning has been to expose man’s nakedness.

Many years ago it was easy to differentiate a harlot from others just by their dressing. However, these days, it is not so easy. Instead of the harlots being ashamed and desiring to copy the Christians in modest dressing; it is the Christians who are ashamed of modesty and desiring to look like harlots!

Do you belong to the Kingdom of God, then “Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand” – Philippians 4:5. Treasures are not found on the surface but buried and hidden in the ground. If you treasure your body, cover your nakedness.

You will give account on the Day of Judgment what you did with your body while on Earth.

Action Nugget: Repent today, and come back home, you sinner and backslider! Tomorrow may be too late.

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