Are You Downcast?

Date: Thursday, 6th February, 2025

Text: 1 Samuel 30:1-8

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, sorrow is not. Satan shoots the arrow of sorrow into the life of a man so as to discourage him and bring depression into his life. It’s like falling into a dark and deep pit. At this point the soul is downcast and head is bowed down.

David was a man that faced intense enmity and persecution in his life. At a point he was on self exile in the foreign land of the philistines. Men with troubles and discontentment gathered around him and he became their leader. So many times he was homeless and hungry, having to depend on proceeds from raids.

At a point he and his men became victim of raids and he lost everything including his family and those of his followers. They got back to their base and found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive. So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.

 David was greatly distressed because his men lost confidence in his leadership and were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God.

The word of God confirms that David spoke to himself he said, “My soul is downcast within me; Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” Psalm 42:5,6

David encouraged himself in the Lord, prayed to his God for guidance on the way forward. God spoke to him and he pursued his enemies, overtook them and recovered all. Weeping indeed endured for a night but joy came in the morning – Psalm 30:5.

Are you discouraged and downcast? Put your hope in the Lord and speak to your soul. Darkness will be dispelled, your joy is coming in the morning You are bouncing back and getting stronger.. in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: Every arrow of sorrow fired against my soul; go back to the sender in Jesus name.

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 26-27

Not By Sight (2)

Date: Wednesday, 5th February, 2025

Text: 1 Samuel 8:4-22

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


You can’t know the right spouse to marry by mere looking. Marriage is God’s idea and institution, so he alone knows the depths. Some say, ‘shine your eyes and choose whoever you want’. They forget that sight can be deceitful. Proverbs 31:30 says, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Outward appearances can be misleading. Today, many have missed it in life and in marriage because they trusted their senses more than God.

The Israelites wanted to choose a physically impressive king. So they got Saul, tall and handsome young man. He was a head taller than all Israel and was from a rich family. By their own worldly standards, he had all the physical features of a king. But did they meet up with God’s standards? No!

The elders of Israel missed out on the most important criterion for the right kingship- a godly heart. Saul’s heart was not right with God. He failed woefully as king. The Spirit of God departed from him after two years of his reign due to disobedience- I Samuel 15. Insanity marked the remaining 38 years of his reign; he eventually committed suicide in a battle where Israel suffered terrible defeat in the hands of her enemy, the Philistines.

When God was ready to choose his own king, his criteria was different. He didn’t go to the house of the rich and influential, rather he sent Samuel, the prophet and Kingmaker to Bethlehem, in the house of an unpopular and poor family of Jesse.

Even in the house of Jesse, among the 8 sons God did not choose the physically impressive military personnel among them. Concerning each of the first seven sons presented for kingship by Jesse, their father, the word of God says, “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

David, a shepherd boy, the youngest and eight son of Jesse was God’s choice. He was described as a man after God’s own heart. Concerning him the Lord said, “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.” Acts 13:23b.

He was a man that loved the Lord and had absolute faith in Him. He never went to battle without consulting the Lord. He never relied on his own abilities. He had a grateful heart. Even when he sinned he owned up and never tried to cover it up. He had a soft repentant heart. David had an uncommon passion for God. Even when God disqualified him from building the temple, he insisted on sponsoring the project.

He was truly a man that loved the Lord with all his heart, no wonder God chose him.

Prayer Nugget: Father, by your grace I will never walk by sight anymore but by your word and Spirit in Jesus Name

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 24-25

Not By Sight

Date: Tuesday, 4th February, 2025

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:6-7

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


We walk by faith and not by sight- 2 Corinthians 5:7. Most people miss out on God because they follow their physical senses. They always try to figure everything out with their human mind. They have forgotten that God’s ways are not our ways, neither are his thoughts our thoughts. So if you must successfully walk with God, don’t let your human reasoning stand in the way.

Our human brains don’t have the capacity to fully comprehend the workings of God. That is why we must not trust in our own understanding but to acknowledge him in all our ways. On Christ the solid rock we must stand, all other grounds are sinking sands.

There is a way that seems right to a man but the end is destruction. When he gives an instruction why not obey without reservation?

Naaman, the leprous Army general would have lost out of his miracle if he hadn’t obeyed by dipping himself in Jordan River seven times 2 Kings 5.

When Lot was to choose between Canaan and Sodom/Gomorrah, he allowed his human senses to take the lead. He looked around and saw that the whole plain was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, so Lot chose for himself the whole plain near Sodom and Gomorrah. Little did he know that the land of his choice was on God’s judgment list- Genesis 13, 14 and 19.

What is seen is temporal but what is unseen is permanent- 2 Corinthians 4:18. In other words, the things we can physically see in this world are temporary and fleeting while the true and lasting realities, often considered spiritual or divine, are unseen and permanent. This underscores the importance of focusing on eternal values rather than material things. 

Prayer Nugget: Father, I receive grace to always work by faith and not by sight in Jesus name.

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 22-23

The Spirit’s Advantage

Date: Monday, 3rd February, 2025

Text: Ephesians 1:3-14

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Let’s say you are on an adventure to explore an Island with some friends and you happen to have a telescope with you, it gives you an advantage of vision over others. You can see objects from afar whenever you use the device.

Believers in Christ who are filled with the Holy Spirit have so many advantages afforded by the Holy Spirit in a world full of darkness. Being in Christ you are seated with him in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come- Ephesians 1:21.

Let’s assume you want to buy a smart phone and in order to demonstrate your commitment to the seller, you pay a deposit in advance. In a similar manner the Holy Spirit is the Father’s deposit in every believer who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of our purchased possession to the praise of God’s glory- Ephesians 1:14.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth that gives the advantage of guidance into all truth and reveals what is going to happen in the future- John 16:13. So many people are eager to know what the future holds. In Christ you are covered because that is the advantage of the Holy Spirit.

Live in complete obedience to the will of the Father, habitually fellowship with the Holy Spirit and begin to enjoy his special advantages.

Prayer Nugget: Father, from today, help me to always enjoy the Spirit’s advantage in Jesus name.

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 16-21

One More Option

Date: Saturday, 1st February, 2025

Text: Psalm 121:1-2

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Welcome to the month of February. May the God of Israel grant you double blessings in all ramifications of life in Jesus name.

If you can figure it out entirely, then a miracle is absent. When you get to the end of your road and it looks as if everywhere is blocked, there is one more option. You might have looked to the front, it’s a no go area; you look to the back, and that direction is even more scary. You turn to the right and there is no help; and the left and the situation is even worse. Do not be dismayed, there is one more option.

The Israelites found themselves in a similar situation where they were stuck. Pharaoh and his chariots were pushing hard from behind. The Red Sea was in front and all hopes seemed lost. Moses the man of God knew there was one more option.

The psalmist says, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills- From whence comes my help?My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

God made a way where there seemed to be no way. In this new month God will make way for you where there seem to be no way in Jesus name.

Prayer Nuggets:

  1. Thank you Father for bringing me into a brand new month.
  2. Father, please, show me your mercy this new month as I repent of any evil way in Jesus name.
  3. Father, please, let this month be a month of double blessings for my family and I in Jesus name.

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 14-15

Feeling Lonely?

Date: Friday, 31st January, 2025

Text: Isaiah 43:1-2

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The road to fulfillment and greatness can sometimes be lonely. Your vision may not be understood by people surrounding you especially if you have lofty goals. If you must stand out, you can’t afford to follow the crowd.

If you must achieve uncommon results you must be ready to think outside the box. And when you think outside the box, get ready to be misunderstood. Such routes can be lonely. It calls for focus, determination and perseverance.

You can be surrounded by friends and family and still feel lonely if they don’t share your passion and vision. At a point even the earthly brothers of our Jesus Christ did not believe in him- John 7:5.

Those surrounding you may not believe in your dreams and aspirations. You probably have tried to make them see what you are seeing but yet they may not grasp your concept until they start seeing practical results.

Those you thought should be there for you may even desert you at the very time you need them the most. At a point in his earthly ministry, when Jesus began to teach the hard core truths of the kingdom, his disciples abandoned him- John 6:65-67. But he soldiered on valiantly and achieved his purpose here on Earth.

Don’t be discouraged by the sharp criticisms of those who don’t believe in your vision. Your achievement, if you can persevere, will eventually demonstrate what you have been trying hard to explain to them verbally.

When your vision is still at the incubation stage, everything may look dull and boring. Don’t abort your God-given vision. Keep pursuing your goals and investing into your vision. Eventually the vision will speak and all those who have abandoned you will come back and celebrate with you.

The Lord has promised to be with you through the waters and the fire; he has promised never to leave nor forsake you- Isaiah 43;1-2; Hebrews 13:5-6. Hold unto him and you will come out victorious in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget; Father, I thank you because you are with me always. Help me Lord to always acknowledge you ever-abiding presence in my life in Jesus name.

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 11-13

Not By Feelings

Date: Thursday, 30th January, 2025

Text: Genesis 25:29-34

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


It is not everyday you feel like getting up early to go to work. Your body may want to stay longer in bed but you force yourself and get up irrespective of how you feel because you know there are consequences if you delay.

If you must be on top in anything you do, you must not allow your feelings to dictate and control you. Feelings can be manipulated by the devil. It can be influenced by happenings around you. If you are not careful, your feelings can distract you from fulfilling God’s original plan for your life. Feelings can be temporary and fleeting. Esau allowed his temporary feelings of hunger to deprive him of his permanent blessings of birthright as a first born- Genesis 25:29-34.

Sometimes ago I was listening to the late renowned Evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke of Germany. He said there are days he would grab the microphone to preach on the crusade ground and he wouldn’t even feel the presence of God initially. Everything would look casual and ordinary as though nothing special was going on. However, as he continued preaching the word of God, he said, he would begin to feel the anointing come down like showers and fill the whole place.

Don’t wait until you feel like praying before you do; don’t wait until you feel like studying before you do. Stick to your schedule. Feelings are like weather that can be cloudy this hour and become sunny the next. The word of God says, “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.” Ecclesiastes 11:4.

If you pray only when you feel like praying, you won’t be consistent. There are many days you don’t even feel like fasting. You know you ought to fast; your schedule says so but you just don’t feel like it. But if you must be successful, you go ahead and fast all the same.

Let the word of God guide you and not your feelings.

Prophetic Nugget: Receive grace to be disciplined and consistent in Jesus name.

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 8-10

Operation Nathanael

Date: Wednesday, 29th January, 2025

Text: John 1:43-51

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


When Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, he said concerning him, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” John 1:47. Heaven takes special note of personalities whose lives there is no deceit. Deceit is one of Satan’s special trademarks. Man fell by the devil’s deceit and his kingdom thrives on it.

 Revelation12:9 says, “The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.”

The devil is a master at concealing the truth or misrepresenting the truth in order to gain a selfish advantage. When he approached eve in the garden, he knew they would die if they ate the forbidden fruit but he deceived them by saying, “Ye shall not surely die.” Genesis 3:4b. He meant the exact opposite of what he said.

Putting forth a false appearance or living a fake life does not glorify God. Regrettably, many businessmen are guilty of this. Their adverts are not a true reflection of what they do in real terms.

Recently, I saw an advert at a petrol filling station which read, “Our 1 litre is one litre.” Why would there be need to say this? Well they needed to convince the doubting public because of the deceitful practices of many such filling stations. The ‘one litre’ most of them sell is less than one litre in the real sense.

When you buy toothpaste you will discover that the tube has been half-filled with air and the remaining half has the real content. At the end of the day, they sell half tube of toothpaste for the price of one- still an act of deceit. God hates unjust gain. Repent of such acts.

If you want to make it to Heaven and get the real blessings of God here on Earth, you must shun every act of fraud or deceit.

Action Nugget: Ask for the grace to live a life devoid of deceit.

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 5-7

Lying Isn’t Wisdom

Date: Tuesday, 28th January, 2025

Text: James 3:13-17

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


When some people make or tell lies they claim they are using wisdom. They think they are being smart. No you are not! Rather you are being cunning or crafty. Cunningness or craftiness is Satan’s corrupted version of God’s wisdom. To be cunning is to be deceitful; craftiness is being cleverly dishonest. Such ‘wisdom’ is described as earthly, sensual and devilish- James 3:15

However, godly wisdom is described as pure, peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy-James 3:17.

One of the problems with lying is that you will have to cook up other lies to cover up the previous lie. Another thing with lies is that when you cook up a lie, you may not remember that lie the next time you are asked the same question.

For example, someone who frequently lies about his name may give different names to the different people and may not remember the previous name he mentioned about himself. Therefore, consistency becomes a problem.

When detectives want to know if a person is lying, they will ask him the same question at different times. A liar will give different answers to the same question at different times. Some liars are so hardened that they will tell the same lie again and again. Even for them, it will take extra mental and effort to be able to do that.

But if you are saying the truth, your answer remains unchanging and you don’t have to do so under extra mental effort or stress.

Prophetic Nugget: Receive the grace to live a truthful life in Jesus name.

Bible In One Year: Leviticus 1-4

Speak the Truth Always

Date: Monday, 27th January, 2025

Text: John 8:42-47

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Speaking the truth in a lying world is like shining a bright light in the midst of darkness. When you are the type that speaks the truth it makes others to trust you. Your word is always taken for it. If you are personally branded as a truthful person, whatever you say or write is held in high esteem. The converse is also true.

There was an old story of a shepherd boy a shepherd boy who repeatedly falsely alarms fellow villagers by shouting “Wolf! Wolf!” claiming a wolf is attacking his sheep, even when there is no wolf. Initially, the villagers responded thinking he was in real danger. However, when a real wolf attacked his flock and he raised another alarm, the villagers did not respond thinking it was another prank.

When you lie repeatedly, you erode the trust people have in you and your words lose weight.

One of the major things lacking in our world today is trust. Several marriages have been destroyed because of lack of trust. When politicians come up with manifestos during political campaigns, so many people doubt them. Citizens of nations don’t trust in politicians because they have repeatedly lied to them in the past.  

Today, lies have been repackaged as diplomacy. However, lies originated from the devil. Jesus said, “There is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44.

You may find it difficult to speak the truth if the Truth is not living in you. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life- John 14:6. Surrender your heart to him today and let him restructure your life and your heart and tongue will receive the touch of God. Begin to speak the truth in righteousness from today.

Prayer Nugget: I repent from every act of dishonesty and I receive the grace to speak and live the truth always in Jesus name.

Bible In One Year: Exodus 38-40