Why Should You Forgive?

Date: Friday, 3rd May, 2024

Text: Matthew 6:14-15

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Forgiveness is an act of mercy and compassion; divine mercy is easily extended to those who have been particularly merciful- Matthew 5:7.

One of the reasons why you should forgive those who offend you is that you also are a recipient of God’s forgiveness. So he expects you to simply extend the same to those who trespass against you especially when they request for your forgiveness- Matthew 18:21-35.

In the popular prayer format handed down to us by our Lord Jesus Christ, he taught us to say, “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” Matthew 6:12

Forgiving others could also be a precondition to your own forgiveness. The word of God says, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15.

Unforgiveness can separate you from God and make him hide his face from you and when that happens your prayers will be hindered and the heaven over your head will be closed.- Isaiah 59:1-2.

Most times, forgiveness benefits you more than the person you are forgiving. So even if it is for your own selfish reasons, just forgive. When you forgive, it is not because the recipient deserves it but at least, you will have peace with God and are free from bitterness.

Prophetic Nugget: Receive the grace to forgive in Jesus name.

Activate Your Set Time

Date: Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

Text: Exodus 2:23-25

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


When your set time comes there are certain things you need to do. Firstly, you need to acknowledge that your time of favour has arrived. Secondly, you should be thankful to the One who has made times and season to favour you.

By divine calendar and arrangements, the children of Israel were meant to spend only 400 years in Egyptian slavery and captivity, but they ended up spending 430 years- Genesis 15:12-13; Exodus 12:40. Why the extra 30 years? The reason was that when their set time of favour came, they were too relaxed and did nothing to provoke God to activate their time of deliverance.

But when they woke up from their slumber, they cried to the Lord for divine assistance.

The word of God says, “And it came to pass in process of time that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them.” Exodus 2:23-25

So the third thing to do when your time of favour comes is to storm the Heavens with passionate prayers asking the Lord to do what he has promised.

In order to activate your set time, you should never hold your peace neither day nor night but cry to the Lord and keep not silence, give him no rest; remind him of his promises. Keep pushing until he establishes his promises in your life, and till he makes you a praise in the earth.

Prophetic Nugget: Your testimony will positively shock the world in Jesus name.

Your Set Time Has Come

Date: Wednesday, 1st May, 2024

Text: Psalm 102:13

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


I welcome you into a brand new month in Jesus name. May is the fifth month of the year. It is commonly said that the number 5 is a number of grace. Grace stands for God’s favour in the life of a Man. I pray that in this month of May, the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace in Jesus name.

Probably the initial months of this year have not been as fruitful as you expect. Maybe in your mind you are feeling that you are not yet where you thought you should be by now. But please, permit me to declare God’s counsel into your life. Hear the word of God, this season

God will arise on your behalf and have mercy upon you because your set time of favour has come in Jesus name- Psalm 102:13.

When a man’s time of favour comes, certain things begin to happens. Firstly, the mercy of God begins to speak on your behalf. When mercy is at work, protocols are bypassed just to favour you.

Secondly, beautiful things begin to happen in your life because the word of God says, “He hath made everything beautiful in his time…”Ecclesiastes 3:11a.

Thirdly, you will notice that desperate helpers of destiny will begin to appear to help you fulfil God’s purpose for your life. For example, when it was time for the children of Israel to be set free from bondage God raised destiny helpers for them in the persons of Moses and Aaron.

Fourthly, good things begin to happen to you with unusual speed. No more delay!

This season is your set time and God will rise on your behalf in Jesus name.

Prayer Nuggets

  1. Father, thank you for bringing me into this glorious new month.
  2. Lord I bless your name for how far you have helped me in the previous months of this year.
  3. Father, please, have mercy on me; arise on my behalf in Jesus name.
  4. Father, please, make everything beautiful in my life this season in Jesus name.
  5. Father, let your twin blessings of goodness and mercy follow me all the days of this month and for the rest of my life in Jesus name.
  6. Father, please, raise desperate helpers of destiny to locate me this month in Jesus name.
  7. Father, grant me unusual success speed in Jesus name.
  8. Add your own specific prayer requests.

God’s Goodness Personified

Date: Tuesday, 30th April, 2024

Text: Acts 10:38

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


In the midst of all the evil and wickedness in the world, it is comforting to know that we have a good God who is particularly interested in our welfare. The word of God says his thoughts towards us are for good and not for evil to bring us to an expected end; to give us hope and a future- Jeremiah 29:11.

Jesus Christ is God’s goodness personified. With the anointing of the Holy Ghost and power upon him, he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil- Acts 10:38.

He knows our weaknesses, challenges and burdens that is why he gave a general call saying, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Mathew 11:28-30

In John 7: 37 he invited everyone who is to come to him and drink. The water here is the Holy Spirit. Anyone whose life is devoid of the Spirit of God will suffer many frustrations and defeat in the hands of the devil.

Why must you suffer in silence when your helper is waiting with his arms stretched out? Everyone who sought one help or the other from him got it, even those who don’t deserve it.

Ask Jesus to demonstrate his goodness in your life today!

Prayer Nugget: Lord Jesus, because you are good, please, demonstrate your goodness in my life today!

All Things Are Possible

Date: Sunday, 28th April, 2024

Text: Luke 1:26-38

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


All good things are possible but not with everybody. Why? This is because not all people believe that. What you believe has a direct relationship with what you will experience. With Man, so many things are impossible because Man has so many limitations. He lives in the natural terrain, is mortal and has little control on the present and even the future.

However, Man can step his game and live in the supernatural. When you make the unlimited God your Ally, the equation changes and all things become possible.

In Luke 1:37-38, Mary was told something that sounded very ridiculous by the Archangel Gabriel in a vision. She was to conceive without a man’s seed. How incredible! She did not doubt but said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” and that settled it.

There is a song that says, “God said it, I believe it and that settled it.” If you can just take the promise of God and believe it, you are good to go.

There is prosperity locked up in your faith. The word of God says, “Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” 2 Chronicles 20:20

Mary did not just believe but confess her belief. Some people claim to believe God but their confessions and actions negate their claims.

Don’t settle for defeat and failure; stop limiting yourself. Stand on the promise of God; stop doubting, only believe!

Action Nugget: Believe His promise today and unlock the prosperity in His word.

Report That Threat

Date: Friday, 26th April, 2024

Text: 2 Kings 19-14-19

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


When someone issues a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage on you; do not be afraid. Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered and none of them can fall to the ground without the permission of your heavenly father. Just do what King Hezekiah did and the case would be sorted.

When the mighty Assyrian emperor, Sennacherib, wrote a threat letter to King Hezekiah, king of Judah, he took the letter to the Temple of the Lord placed the letter there in the presence of the Lord, and prayed, “O Lord, the God of Israel, seated on your throne above the winged creatures, you alone are God, ruling all the kingdoms of the world. You created the earth and the sky.  Now, Lord, look at what is happening to us. Listen to all the things that Sennacherib is saying to insult you, the living God.  We all know, Lord, that the emperors of Assyria have destroyed many nations, made their lands desolate,  and burned up their gods—which were no gods at all, only images of wood and stone made by human hands. Now, Lord our God, rescue us from the Assyrians, so that all the nations of the world will know that only you, O Lord, are God.” 2 Kings 19-14-19

Before this time he had also sent messengers to Isaiah the prophet to intercede on behalf of the land. In response, the Lord promised to defend his people and that night an angel of the Lord went to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 soldiers. At dawn the next day there they lay, all dead! – 2 Kings 19:35

Sennacherib, the Assyrian Emperor himself was struck down by two of his own sons. The Lord fought for his own people.

Are you under threat, fret not, just report the threat to the Lord of Hosts; he will fight for you and you will hold your peace in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: Lord of Hosts! Please, fight for me while I hold my peace in Jesus name.

Are You Under Threat?

Date: Thursday, 25th April, 2024

Text: Psalm 105:13-15

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


It is a dangerous thing to hate a child of God. How do I know? The word of God confirms it, “And the Lord will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.” Deuteronomy 7:15. Some folks are battling with incurable diseases today because they hate God’s children.

Why is this so? It is not difficult to understand. Just as you will take it personal when anyone claims to love you but hate your child. The Bible says when you surrender your life to Christ, you become dead to sin and the flesh and your life becomes hidden with Christ in God- Colossians 3:3.

God takes it personal when anyone hates or attacks any of His children. That is why the holy scriptures say, “When they (his own children) went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people; He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” Psalm 105:13-15

Have you surrendered your life to the lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ? If yes, don’t be afraid of any threat! The Almighty says, anyone who touches you touches the apple of his eyes. Zechariah 2:8b. He is a Consuming fire and there is a fire that goes ahead of Him that consumes his enemies roundabout. (Hebrews 12:29; Psalm 97:3)

If you are not yet born again, what are you waiting for? Repent today, confess, forsake your sins and surrender fully to the Lord Jesus; He is the Lord of Hosts and he will fight your battle for you, taking total care of any threat against your life.

Prayer Nugget: Lord of Hosts, I surrender to you fully and ask that you trouble my troublers in Jesus name.

Character Vs Reputation (2)

Date: Wednesday, 24th April, 2024

Text: 1 Samuel 15:1-30

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The things that impress men do not impress God. When Samuel was to appoint a king among the eight sons of Jesse, He said to Samuel, “The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance (reputation), but the LORD looks at the heart (character).”

Due to pressure from his subjects, King Saul gave in and disobeyed divine instructions. When Samuel accosted him about his sin, and informed him about the rejection of his kingdom,  instead of him to humbly accept his fault and begin to seek God’s face for mercy, he was more concerned about his reputation before the people- the very people that pressured him to disobey, in the first place. He said, “I have sinned. But please honor me before the elders of my people and before Israel.”1 Samuel 15:30.

When you are more concerned with what people will say than what God will say, it means you missed your priority. Don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God- James 4:4

In this current world enhanced by the social media, many people are willing to do just about anything to generate large followings, number of views, comments and likes. This has led many souls to live fake lives, claiming to be who they are not. Many suffer in silence but cannot get help because of the same reason.

Why not humble yourself before the Lord so that he can lift you up in due time?

Prayer Nugget: I lay myself bare before you, please Lord let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight O Lord my strength and redeemer!

Character Vs Reputation

Date: Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024

Text: Luke 12:2-5

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Your reputation is who people think you are based on the impression you have created about yourself in the public. It is built over time.

However, your character is who you are when nobody is watching. It is your true person. Your conduct in secret is your true nature.

If your character and reputation are not the same, then it means you put forth an appearance in public but in private you are someone else. That is the exact definition of hypocrisy.

In contrast, if your character and reputation matches, you can be referred to as a man of integrity.

Our Lord Jesus Christ condemned hypocrisy in the strongest terms. In the 23rd Chapter of the Book of Matthew, the Pharisees were sharply rebuked because they did not practice what they preached; rather, they were only out to do things for public approval. 

Trying to always please men is like playing to the gallery. God is the judge, promotion comes from Him. The door he opens no man can shut; and the door he shuts no man can open. He sees what you do in secret; he knows your innermost thoughts.

There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. The Lord himself said, “Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.” Luke 12:2-5

Action Nugget: Focus more on building your character and your reputation will take care of itself.

The Sacrifice of Praise (2)

Date: Saturday, 20th April, 2024

Text: Acts 16:16- 37

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Many of us tend to believe that when things are going well, it signifies that God is with us; and when things become stormy or rough, it means that God is far away. This is far from the truth! The only thing that drives God’s presence away is sin, not storms or bad times.

When Joseph found himself in the dark period of his life (in prison), the Bible said, But the Lord was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.” Genesis 39:21

As long as you remain righteous and holy, no matter what bad times you go through, he has promised never to leave you nor forsake you, whether in the heat of fire or in the cold valley of the shadow of death- Isaiah 43:2. Remain in the love of Christ and all things will work together for your good in Jesus name- Romans 8:28

In contrast, a man can live in physical luxury all his life and be devoid of God’s presence; if you don’t believe ask the rich man in the 16th chapter of Luke. He was a candidate of Hell though he was financially ‘successful’- Luke 16:19-31.

Praise becomes more sacrificial when you do it when it appears you have “no reason” to. Paul and Silas were arrested for casting out the demon in a girl possessed with a familiar spirit. Through this demon, she predicted the future and earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling.

When her owners realized that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities. They were framed up as ‘criminals’ out to disturb the peace of the society. Thus, they suffered severe torture and were jailed. But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the presence of God came down mightily in an earthquake. And their prison doors were flung open.

Their affliction eventually led to the salvation of the prison jailer and his entire household- Acts 16:16- 37. Your current situation will lead to a mighty testimony in Jesus name.

Reflective Nugget: God’s presence is highly provoked when you praise him when the weather is rough and stormy.