No Other Name (2)

Date: Tuesday, 12th November, 2024

 Text: Acts 4:12.

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


In every field of endeavor there are authorities and names that are well respected for their contributions to knowledge or for their positive impact in that field.

There are also many religions and names all over the world; their adherents revere them so very much. However, when it comes to the subject of salvation or redemption of the souls of mankind there is only one name that is given to men from heaven through which salvation from eternal damnation can be gotten.

The text of today says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved-Acts 4:12.

Jesus said, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9. Again he said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.” John 14:6

Don’t be deceived, there is no other name that opens the door to eternal salvation. If your desire is to make it to heaven, on Christ the solid rock you must stand; all other grounds are sinking sands.

Are you feeling weak, defenseless or vulnerable? Take advantage of the name of Jesus today. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs in and they are saved. Proverbs 18:10

Prayer Nugget: Lord Jesus, I call on your name today, please show me mercy and save my soul.

No Other Name

Date: Monday, 11th November, 2024

 Text: Philippians 2:9-11

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


A name can open doors of opportunity to you especially if it’s the name of an influential person in the society. This is the reason why in several cultures some ladies don’t drop their maiden surnames even after getting married.

Names also act as signatures which authenticate official documents and authorize transactions.

In the spiritual realm names also have influence. My daughter once had a spiritual attack in the night and screamed, ‘Daddy, Mummy’. I corrected her that demons don’t fear the name of daddy or mummy. I told her that if she ever experiences such at any time again she should call the right name that demons would hear, tremble and lose their strongholds.

Today’s text says, “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11

Recall that the name of Jesus is not of man’s origin but was specially supplied by the angel Gabriel sent from Heaven- Luke 1:30-32.When demons (strangers) hear that name they shudder in terror and fade away from their hiding places.

You have suffered many disappointments in life because you have been calling on the wrong names. Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will put our trust in the name of the Lord-Psalm 20:7.

Call the name of Jesus today and set yourself free from that ugly situation.

Prayer Nugget: In Jesus name, let every evil knee troubling my life bow in surrender; let every accusing tongue against me be silenced forever.

Keep Your Miracles Permanently (2)

Date: Friday, 8th November, 2024

 Text: Mark 5:1-20

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The story was told of a man whose limbs on one side of his body became paralyzed; so he couldn’t move one hand and leg on that side of the body. He was brought to the Redemption City in Nigeria to see our Father-in-the Lord for prayers and he was asked if he would be willing to surrender his life to Christ. He agreed and was led to Christ. A prayer of healing was prayed on him and the Lord Jesus set him free and he regained his limbs.

However, shortly after he no longer attended church services. The follow-up department went to visit him to see how he was faring and to ask why he has not been attending church services. He answered by questioning why he should continue coming after he has gotten his healing. He said if patients go to the hospital for healing do they continue to go there after they are healed? So he concluded that there was no sense in continuing to attend the church.

Not long after the same man was found on the road with his condition worse than the earlier situation. This time, his whole body was stiff and paralyzed from the neck down and he was drooling from the mouth. He had lost his miracle because he disconnected from the Giver and Keeper of miracles.

Miracles are given for free based on mercy and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. But he wrongly compared the church of God with a hospital where you practically pay for treatment.

In Mark Chapter 5, when the mad man of Gadara was healed of his insanity he remained whole because he got busy preaching the gospel in Ten Cities (Decapolis)- Mark 5:19-20. The legions of demons that left him couldn’t come back because the man remained on fire in the service of Christ.

If you must keep your miracles permanently, remain in the love, worship and service of the Master- the lord Jesus Christ who gave you the miracle on the platter of mercy and grace.

Key Nugget: in order to keep your miracles permanently do not disconnect from the Giver and Keeper of miracles.

His Ways Not Ours

Date: Thursday, 7th November, 2024

Text: Isaiah 55:8-9

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


You may expect God to come from the East but he may decide to show up from the North. Because of our intelligence and mental strength we tend to plan out our lives using our own wisdom.

I once heard a lady said, “I will graduate at so so age; get job at so so age, marry at so so age; give birth to all my children at so so age and then do this and do that.” What a fantastic plan! There is nothing wrong with that. It is good to have a plan but don’t forget the God factor.

Have you cared to know his plan for your life? At every stage of your life God’s plan is always better. It will give you joy, peace and all-round fulfillment, if you allow him bring it to pass.

Jeremiah 10:23 says, “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”

You may have a small plan for yourself but God may have a bigger and greater plan for your life. So God may frustrate your small plan in order to fulfill his big plan in your life.

In today’s text God says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:8-9

You need not worry if you are under his management. If you have made Jesus Christ your Lord and personal Saviour, his plans for you are for good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end.

The word of God says, “Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.” Isaiah 3:10-11

Therefore, if you are on the Lord’s side and it seems your personal plan is not working now don’t be disappointed. Just continue in his love, maintain an attitude of faith, be positive, focused and hardworking. Be flexible in his hands and allow him bring his greater plans to fulfillment in your life. You will end well in Jesus name.

If you are yet to surrender your heart to Jesus, what are you waiting for? Repent from all sins, forsake them; live a holy life and continually put your trust in him and watch him bring his plans to pass in your life.

Prayer Nugget: Father, I surrender all my plans to you; please, bring your own plan to pass in my life in Jesus name.

Keep Your Miracles Permanently

Date: Wednesday, 6th November, 2024

Text: Luke 17:11-19

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


It is possible to get a miracle from God and eventually lose it. At least, two things can possibly cause this. Firstly, in John chapter 5 we come across the story of a man that had been sick and paralyzed for about 38 years. He seemed to have been abandoned by family and friends because his case looked hopeless. It was as though he was left to die.

However, God had mercy on him and Jesus healed him with only a spoken word. But the Lord gave him a stern warning, saying, “Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.” John 5:14

This suggests that the man had a role to play if he wanted to remain healed. He was told to abstain from sin.

Another thing that can rob a man of his miracle is ingratitude. The elders have a saying, that the one who enjoys a privilege but refuses to show gratitude is not different from a robber.

In today’s text, ten lepers were miraculously cleansed by the Lord Jesus Christ; nine of them were Jews and the other one was a foreigner. When they realized their healing only the Samaritan came back to Christ to express his gratitude. The other nine displayed an entitlement attitude.

Hear what the Lord said, “Were not ten [of you] cleansed? Where are the [other] nine? Was there no one found to return and to give thanks and praise to God, except this foreigner?” Jesus said to him, “Get up and go [on your way]. Your faith [your personal trust in Me and your confidence in God’s power] has restored you to health.” Luke 17:17-19 (AMP)

The final blessing the Lord released on this grateful Samaritan was not poured on the ungrateful nine. That means the devil may still take advantage of their ingratitude and steal their miracles from them. May that not be your portion in Jesus name.

Action Nugget: Keep your miracles permanently by showing gratitude to the Giver of the blessing and abstain from sin.

Sensitivity In Relationships (2)

Date: Monday, 4th November, 2024

Text: Genesis 39:1-6

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


There are some people that enter into relationship with you and your life takes the upward and positive turn. Because of them what seems not to be working previously in your life receives life. That progress which has been hitherto slow gains unusual speed. May God bring such people into your life in Jesus name.

A very good example of such a person was Joseph, one of the sons of Jacob’s. While he was a slave in Portiphar’s house, the word of God says that the presence of the Lord was so much with him that, “From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the Lord was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field.” Genesis 39:5

His father too carried the same grace. When he was an employee of Laban, his uncle who happened to be an animal agriculturist, the family business took a new positive turn. His flocks were little when Jacob started the job but after 14 years they had grown to a multitude.In fact when Jacob resigned from his position Laban rejected his resignation and pleaded for his nephew to continue to serve him.

Laban said to his employee and nephew, Jacob, “ I pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the Lord hath blessed me for thy sake.” Genesis 30:27

May God usher the Jacobs and Josephs into your life that would bring positive divine change and prosperity to you in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: Father, send my way destiny helpers like Jacob and Joseph in Jesus name.

Sensitivity In Relationships

Date: Sunday, 3rd November, 2024

Text: Jonah 1:1-16

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


There was a story told of a man that got a job in PortHarcourt South South, Nigeria. It wasn’t long after joining the company that it became bankrupt and folded up. The company apologized to the employees for their failure and retrenched them.

However, this new employee confessed to a Pastor that he was the reason for the calamity that befell the company. The pastor was surprised and asked him to explain how. And he explained that he had a spiritual problem and the problem was that whenever he joined any organization, no matter how well the company was doing before he joined them, it would eventually come down. He said the PortHacourt company was not the first one to suffer from his misfortune.

According to today’s text, Jonah was the cause for the storm that almost destroyed the ship he boarded. As the storm grew rougher and rougher they were forced to throw their cargo into the sea with their own hand. They lost a lot. But the sea refused to grow calm until Jonah, the disobedient prophet was cast into the sea.

You need to be prayerful, watchful, be spiritually sensitive and discerning. Not everybody can work with you. Every Jonah in your boat must be cast out so that you will not suffer avoidable losses.

Prayer Nugget: Father, help my spiritual sensitivity. I disengage from any relationship bringing calamity to my life in Jesus name.

Your Hair and Your Glory

Date: Saturday, 2nd November, 2024

Text: Judges 16:15-30

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


There is a relationship between your hair and your glory. For example, Samson’s uncut hair was the source of his unusual physical strength, which he used to defeat the Philistines for 20 solid years. Samson confessed that he would lose his strength; “If my head were shaved” (Judges 16:15- 17). While he slept, the ungodly Delilah brought in a Philistine who cut Samson’s hair, draining his strength.

But when he was about to die, his hair grew back and so was his strength gradually restored. At this point he slew at his death more people than in his life- Judges 16:22-30.

Someone can say but that is in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament hear the spirit of God speaking through Apostle Paul when he said, “But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her.” 1 Corinthians 11:15a. Here once again you see another connection between glory and the hair.

Some years ago a barbing salon was newly opened somewhere in my residential area and the Holy Spirit expressly warned me never to barb my hair there. But it was a very beautiful salon that was physically more attractive than the others.

Some people are struggling in life because they are victims of glory destroyers.

If you notice that when you sleep you always dream that your hair is being barbed then you should know that some evil powers are tampering with your glory. You need to pray earnestly and aggressively to put the enemies where they belong.

Prayer Nuggets: Father, I neutralize the effect of the glory destroyers on my life. King of Glory, I beseech you today, please, restore to me all the years that I have lost to glory destroyers in Jesus Name.

Out of His Fullness

Date: Friday, 1st November, 2024

Text: John 1: 9-18

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Welcome to the brand new month of November. I pray for you that the light of God’s love and grace will shine on you this month like never before. Your earnest expectations will not be cut short; the presence of the Lord will abide with you to bless, guide, guard and strengthen your heart in Jesus name.

It is one thing to know the will of God but it is another thing to be able to carry it out. This is what separates the hearers of God’s word from the doers. The blessing is not in the hearing but in the doing- James 1:22-25.

It is the grace of God upon a man’s life that enables him to be able to do what he hears. Moses gave the Law but so many found it difficult to obey it until Christ brought the enabling solution spelt GRACE.

The word of God says, “Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:16-17 (NIV)

Again the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul the Apostle saying, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,  teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,  looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” Titus 2:11-13

When it seems we are struggling to carry out God’s will let us approach the Throne of Grace with humility and confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Prayer Nuggets

  1. Thank you Father for the word of grace.
  2. Father, we bless your holy name for the opportunity to see another brand new month.
  3. Of your fullness, Lord Jesus, please fill me up with your grace so that I will be enabled to carry out your will always.
  4. Father, please let my head never lack the oil of your grace in Jesus name.
  5. All the blessings left in this year, my soul receives them in Jesus name.
  6. My head rejects all the evils programmed by the devil this month and the rest of the year in Jesus name.
  7. Add your own personal prayer requests.

Victory Over The Enemy’s Snares

Date: Thursday, 31st October, 2024

Text: Psalm 124:1-8

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


As we gradually approach the end of the year God has his agenda that must be fulfilled before the end of the year because he is a God of times and seasons. But don’t forget that the devil who is the archenemy of Man also has his own agenda and targets that he wants to accomplish before the end of the year. Paul the Apostle wrote, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Corinthians 2:11

The occultic people want to do their annual end-of the year covenant renewal with the devil who gives them targets. They trade with the bodies and souls of men in the dark realm of the spirit. Some accidents occur which are not natural but caused by the manipulation of the evil powers.

Some years ago, my wife and I were about to embark on a travel by road and God opened her eyes and she saw an invisible big tank spiritually stationed in a public car terminus; she saw blood spilling as an overflow from the tank. Whenever accidents happened the blood of victims were deposited in the tank until it was filled to the overflow. May you not enter the wrong vehicle and may you not be a victim of evil motorists in Jesus name. 

Those who are not covered by the blood Of Jesus are easy victims of blood-thirsty demons. If you are not yet under the management of the Lord Jesus Christ, repent and surrender to him today.

Every child of God must take charge prayerfully and put the devil and his hosts where they belong.

Pray with the word of God in Psalm 124 which says, “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say; If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us: Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:

Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul:Then the proud waters had gone over our soul. Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

Prayer Nuggets: I affirm God’s agenda and nullify every end of the year agenda of the evil one against my household and I in Jesus name. I cover myself and household with the blood of Jesus and I decree that the snare of the enemy is broken in Jesus name.