Judge Not

Date: Thursday, 4th October, 2024

Text: Matthew 7:1-5

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


In today’s text the Lord Jesus Christ taught us to abstain from judging or condemning others. He gave reasons- the way you judge others, will you be judged; the rules you used to condemn others will also be used by God against you. Does this mean God condones sin or wrongdoing? Certainly, not!

What Christ is simply saying is that instead of condemning others give room for mercy. Allow the spirit of forgiveness instead of vengeance. A very good illustration of this is found in John 8:1-11 where a woman was caught in the act of adultery.

The religious leaders had picked stones and were eager to condemn her according to the Law of Moses; and they wanted Jesus to give his verdict. But mercy prevailed over judgement and the Lord told them that the only person qualified to stone the woman to death was the one who had never sinned. Nobody was qualified except Christ himself alone.

The word of God says, “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you”. Psalm 130:3-4. Again the scriptures say, “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in mercy. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.” Psalm 103:8-10

Jesus told the adulterous woman to go and forsake her sinful lifestyle- John 8:11. Though she escaped the first time, she may not be lucky to keep escaping if she continue with her sinful lifestyle.

God expects us to show mercy in our dealings with others because, “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7

Reflective Nugget: God will not show mercy when he judges the person who has not been merciful; but mercy triumphs over judgment- James 2:13.

Repetitive Dreams

Date: Thursday, 3rd October, 2024

Text: Genesis 41:17-32

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Sometimes when God sends you a message in a dream, it comes to you again and again. At times you see exactly the same thing and at other times you get the same message in different forms. When you see these what is the significance?

In today’s text Pharaoh the Egyptian king dreamt that he was standing on the bank of the Nile River, when seven cows, fat and sleek, came up out of the river and began feeding on the grass. Then seven other cows came up which were thin and bony. They were the poorest cows he had ever seen anywhere in Egypt. He saw that the thin cows ate up the fat ones, but no one would have known it, because they looked just as bad as before. Then he woke up.

Again he also dreamed that he saw seven heads of grain which were full and ripe, growing on one stalk. Then he saw seven heads of grain sprouted, thin and scorched by the desert wind,and the thin heads of grain swallowed the full ones and he woke up the second time.

When he invited Joseph to assist him interpret his dreams, he made it clear to the king that the two dreams meant the same thing. God was only showing the king what he was about to do so that the king could prepare for the looming global event. There was going to be seven years of great plenty in all the land of Egypt to be immediately followed by seven years of famine, and all the good years would be forgotten, because the famine was going to ruin the country. The time of plenty was going to be entirely forgotten, because the famine which would follow was going to be so terrible.

Joseph the dream interpreter told him that the repetition of his dream meant that the matter was fixed by God and that he would make it happen in the near future. In other words the matter was certain to happen and was to happen soon. Genesis 41:17-32

Reflective Nugget: Whenever God sends you a message in a dream repeatedly, it’s urgent and sure to happen. Take serious steps to prepare.

Dreams Vs God’s Word (3)

Date: Wednesday, 2nd October, 2024

Text: Job 33:14-18

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


One of the ways God speaks to Men is through dreams. Many prophetically important dreams have come to Men in the times past.

The word of God says, “For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride, to preserve them from the pit, their lives from perishing by the sword.” Job 33:14-18

We have several instances of such in the Holy Scripture. In order to save the life of Baby Jesus from the hand of Herod, the king God spoke to Joseph, Mary’s husband in a dream, saying “Get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod (the king) is going to search for the child to kill him.” So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,where he stayed until the death of Herod. Matthew 2:13-14

The three wise men would have gone back to Herod as demanded by him but having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. Matthew 2:12

About twenty four years ago, there was to be a change of leadership baton and we were expecting some leadership appointments in a national evangelistic Christian body to which I belonged. I was anxious to know which position was coming to me. So on one particular afternoon I had a nap and then it was revealed to me in a dream what position I was to be given. The following day when the new executives were to be unveiled, the position actually given to me was exactly what was revealed to me in the dream.

Some say when they dream it is the opposite that happens to them. God is not an author of confusion. So if the dream is from him, his word will surely come to pass.

Prayer Nugget: Holy Spirit, speak to me when I rise and when I lie down to sleep in Jesus name.

Freedom From Above

Date: Tuesday, 1st October, 2024

Text: John 8:32-36

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Welcome to the month of October, the tenth month of the year. It’s a month of double grace; and I pray that concerning you this month grace will be multiplied in Jesus name. It also happens to be the remembrance of Nigeria, my country’s independence. To God alone be the glory!

Everyone wants to be free because bondage is not a pleasant experience. For 430 years the Israelites were in Egyptian bondage until God sent a deliverer in the person of Moses, the Man of God. With much tussle and divine intervention they were set free. Their freedom was forced by the mighty hand of God.

However, when they got to the Promised Land God gave them certain conditions they must adhere to if their freedom must be permanent- they must be committed to serving the Lord and abstaining from sinful practices, especially the sin of idolatry.

When Jesus healed a man that was under the bondage of sickness, he told him, go and sin no more so that something worse may not happen to you- John 5:1-14.

Are you experiencing any form of bondage? Run to the great deliverer Jesus Christ. If the Son shall set you free you shall be free indeed- John 8:36

And for you to maintain your freedom, live a holy life and be devoted to the service of the Lord. Let us pray!

Prayer Nuggets

  1. Thank you Lord for safely bringing me to the month of October.
  2. Father, please, let your plans and purpose for my life come to pass this month in Jesus name.
  3. I nullify every plan and counsel of the evil one against my life this month in Jesus name.
  4. Father, let me experience multiplied grace this month in Jesus name.
  5. By the blood of Jesus I set my self free from every satanic bondage in Jesus name.
  6. My deliverance shall be permanent in Jesus name.
  7. All my blessings for the remaining days of this year shall not elude me in Jesus name.
  8. Add your own prayer nuggets.

Dreams Vs God’s Word (3)

Date: Monday, 30th September, 2024

Text: Jeremiah 23:28

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Chaff is the loose outer covering on wheat or other grains that must be removed during the processing of the harvested grain. They have no nutritional value and are often blown away by the wind, discarded or burnt. The wheat itself is the main substance that gives value when consumed.

Dreams that are not from God are compared to chaff- worthless, without any spiritual value. In contrast, God’s Word is like wheat: nourishing; satisfying; filling and sustaining. The word of God says, “The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? Saith the Lord.

The word of God is the yardstick by which dreams are screened or weighed. Dreams that are contrary to the word of God must be discarded like chaff. Rather, hold on to the word of God.

For example if you have a dream where an “angel” or “Man Of God” asks you to divorce your wife or engage in pre or extra-marital affairs; that cannot be a dream from God because the Bible says, “God hates divorce”- Malachi 2:16. Again the word of God says, “Flee fornication, every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18

It is not possible that God will contradict himself. Therefore, if the dream contradicts the holy word of God, discard the dream and hold unto the word of God.

Reflective Nugget: Don’t let the devil outsmart you with worthless dreams and false prophecies.

Dreams Vs God’s Word (2)

Date: Sunday, 29th September, 2024

Text: 2 Corinthians 11:14

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The plan of God for his own children is for them to prosper and be in good health even as their soul prospers- 3 John 2. The decree of the Lord concerning the righteous is that it shall be well with him and that he shall eat the fruit of his doings- Isaiah 3:10. The thoughts of God towards his own people are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give them an expected end; to give them hope and a future-Jeremiah 29:11.

The above and many more myriads of scriptures are the mind and purpose of the Lord for his people. Any dream suggesting the contrary is not from God. It is the devil trying to manipulate.

The devil has harassed and terrified many souls through dreams. When they dream they won’t try to screen the dream to know the source; rather they become jittery and take ungodly steps.

The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. So the devil still has the power to manipulate dreams to fulfill his evil agenda. He can transform himself to the form of an angel of light to misrepresent God in a dream- 2 Corinthians 11:14. He may bring the image of a loved one and show him as your enemy, just to cause disharmony, animosity and enmity in the family.

Any dream that does not promote love, harmony and holiness cannot be from God because God is a holy and loving God. Pray against such dreams.

Key Nugget: Beware! Any dream that does not promote love, harmony and holiness cannot be from God.

Dreams Vs God’s Word (1)

Date: Saturday, 28th September, 2024

Text: Psalm 33:10-11

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Dreams come when we sleep. There are three sources of dreams. Dreams can come as a spill over of daily cares, worries and activities- Ecclesiastes 5:3a. In this case, you see yourself continuing the activities of the day in your dream. Like someone who played ball during the day and sees himself continue the football playing in his dream.

Secondly dreams can be the handiwork of the devil. One way to know a dream is the work of the devil is that it comes with fear. Fear is of the devil. If an angel of God appears to you, and he notices that you are afraid, the first thing he will say is “Fear not”- Genesis 21:17; Luke 1:30; 2:10-11; Acts 27:23-24.

If a dream cripples you with fear rather than boost your faith, it is from the devil. It is a negative dream, pray against it. If you don’t pray against it, it may happen as you dreamt it.

There are so many scriptures you can use to enforce God’s promises in your life.  A recommended scripture to cancel negative dreams is Psalm 33:10-11 which says, “The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.”

Ask God to scatter, nullify and ruin every decision the enemy has made and spoil all their plans. Then pray that the plan and purpose of God for your life be established forever.

Whatever dreams the devil brings is to steal, kill or destroy. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. Ask God to rebuke the activities of the killer, stealer and destroyer in your life and bring his counsel to pass in your life in Jesus name.

If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, you have given the devil a license to afflict you with negative dreams. Repent today!

Action Nugget: Pray against any negative dream in your life using the word of God.

Don’t Despise Godly Counsel

Date: Friday, 27th September, 2024

Text: Proverbs 11:4

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


We live in a world where you regularly and from time to time have to make decisions whether important or trivial. Sometimes you may even find yourself stuck at a crossroad, where you are compelled to make decisions in order to make progress. And for every decision you make there are rewards or consequences.

There is nothing you want to achieve that someone else has not achieved. And there is no situation you find yourself that someone else has not gone through and come out triumphantly, hence, the need to seek for godly counsel.

The word of God says, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety” Proverbs 11:4

There is a saying that a problem shared (with the right person) is half solved. When you find yourself in a situation where you cannot help yourself and you need to make a decision, it is time to seek godly counsel.

However, you must seek counsel from the right person. The right person is someone with a God-fearing heart who will not complicate your situation further. For example, someone whose marriage is in crises should not seek counsel from a divorcee or someone who doesn’t believe in the divine institution of marriage. He can seek counsel from someone who has had a stormy marriage but was able to find God’s wisdom and peace to stabilize the same.

A student struggling with his academics should not seek counsel from someone who does not believe in academic excellence. A business man in financial crises should seek godly counsel from someone who has passed through the same challenge and came out stronger.

There is a saying that a wise man learn from the mistakes of others while a foolish man learn from his own mistakes- that is if he alive to tell the story.

Don’t die in silence, seek godly counsel today!

Reflective Nugget: A word of godly counsel can bring a timely and permanent solution to your current situation.

Submit Yourself To Him

Date: Thursday, 26th September, 2024

Text: James 4:7-8

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


There are so many battles we face in life; some are visible while the others are invisible. Some take place in the physical realm while others take place in the spiritual. Darkness contends with the Light; unrighteousness battles with righteousness; lies and heresy struggle with the truth of God’s word.

You lack the spiritual resources to fight because we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places- Ephesians 6:12.

These are forces whose full-time job is to see to it that you are cut off from the life of Christ in God. They are all out to ensure you live in disobedience so that you can receive the same judgement they have received.

They will sponsor some evil thoughts into your heart. How you will know that they are evil is that those thoughts will be bring doubts into your minds and cause you to question the truth of God’s word. That was the same strategy the serpent used against Eve in the Garden of Eden. The devil started by asking, “Did God really say…?” By asking this question, a seed of doubt was successfully sown in the heart of Eve- Genesis 3:1.

The plan of the Evil One is to make you lose faith in God so that you can detest anything godly. Ultimately his assignment is to make you lose heaven and land in the everlasting lake of fire originally created for the devil and his angels- Matthew 25:41

Whether you win or lose depends on whose side you are. But there is an obvious truth- you can’t win the devil if you fight alone. If you must win you need to submit yourself to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded- James 4:7-8. Victory will be yours in Jesus name.

Reflective Nugget: If you must win, submit yourself to Christ and victory will be yours in Jesus name.

Humility Prevents Humiliation

Date: Saturday, 21st September, 2024

Text: Daniel 4:28-37

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


If things are working for you now be humble and careful. There are some people who are far more qualified than you but because of time and chance, they have not been discovered. The person who wins a beauty contest is not necessarily the most beautiful; while the one who is the richest is not necessarily the wisest or the smartest.

It is possible to be wise and be poor; while it is very possible to rich and be a fool. That is why the word of God says, “The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.” Ecclesiates 9:11

This why everybody who should remain humble, no matter how important he thinks he is or how much he thinks he has achieved. If things are working for you, never think it is because you are so smart. Acknowledge the Controller of times and seasons who has worked things out in your favour. Fear and tremble before him in humility.

When king Nebuchadnezzar made the mistake of thinking he conquered the whole world by his own military power; God sent him to the compulsory school of humility by humiliating him with a seven-year long insanity.

However, he gained his throne back with greater glory and honour after humbling himself.. Humiliation is the result when God humbles a man. It is better to humble oneself than to allow God to do it.

Prophetic Nugget: Receive grace to always remain humble in Jesus name.