Anger Devoid Of Sin

Date: Tuesday, 17th December, 2024

Text:  Ephesians 4:26-27

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Anger is a natural emotion that is displayed when things don’t go the way we expect. It is a reaction to disappointing situations and circumstances.

Is it a sin to get angry? No. What the word of God says is that we should not be quick to get angry. Hot temper is not a character of God’s righteousness.

Apostle James, under the influence of the Holy Spirit wrote, “Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry. Human anger does not achieve God’s righteous purpose.” James 1:19-20

You will notice that there is a connection between speech and anger. When you are faced with an irritating situation and instead of talking you choose to keep quiet and walk away for the time being, you would most likely be able to get your emotions under control.

Even when we get angry the word of God says, “Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the Sun go down on your wrath,nor give place to the devil.”  Uncontrolled anger gives Satan an opportunity as it could lead you into sin by holding a grudge, nurturing anger, harboring resentment, or cultivating bitterness- Ephesians 5:26-27.

A man was once involved in a heated argument with his wife as he was driving on the highway; the wife sat beside him. He got so angry that he didn’t realize he was already driving off the road into the ditch. They would have been involved in a terrible accident if not for the wife who saved the situation by crying out. It was then he realized his grave error and took control of his emotions.

Action Nugget: Be intentional in putting your temper under the control of the Holy Spirit

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