Alpha and Omega

Date: Friday, 1st December, 2023

Text: Revelation 1:8

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Happy New Month! Welcome to the last month of the year! Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the First and the Last. He started the year with us and is able to see us through to the very end of it in Jesus name.

The number 12 is significant because it marks the beginning of a new cycle. For example 12midnight marks the beginning of a new day; 12noon marks the end of the first half of the day; the end of the 12th month marks the beginning of a new year.

These times are sensitive as the Bible says there are pestilence that walketh in darkness and  destruction that wasteth at noonday  (Psalm 91:5-6). You, therefore need to engage the defense of the Holy Spirit and His holy angels to continually lift you up in their hands lest you strike your feet against any stone.

What God has started in your life this year, He is able to perfect it and bring it to completion in Jesus name.

Let’s Pray.

Prayer Nuggets

1. Father, thank you because you are the Alpha and Omega in my life.

2. Thank you Lord for bringing me and my household to this very point in this year.

3. Father, please, show me your mercy and cleanse me from every act of unrighteousness in Jesus name.

4. Father, please, let your blood avail for me this month in Jesus name.

5. The remaining days of this year will not swallow me and my loved ones in Jesus name.

6. All my blessings left in this year will not elude me in Jesus name.

7. All the evils programmed against me for the remaining days of this year will not prosper in my life in Jesus name.

8. I will crossover into the New Year in peace and not in pieces in Jesus name.

9. That last minute miracle that you have ordained for me, please, bring it to pass in Jesus name

10. Add your own prayer points.

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