A Leap to Higher Heights

Date: Thursday, 1st February, 2024

Text: Isaiah 40:28-31

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


To God be the glory! We have made it into the second month of February. This year’s February is special because it has an extra day which turns the whole year to a Leap Year. I pray for you that you will take a leap of greatness this month in Jesus name. Let us pray!

Prayer Nuggets

1. Father, thank you for a brand new month in Jesus name.

2. Father, by your mercy, take me to a greater heights this month in Jesus name.

3. Everything tying me to the valley be cut off in Jesus name.

4. Father, please lay your hand on me and grant me unusual speed in Jesus name.

5. Every evil agenda of the devil against my life, this month, be aborted in Jesus name.

6. Every evil bird monitoring my life, receive the arrow of God’s judgement in Jesus name.

7. Father, let your plan and purpose for my life come to pass speedily this month in Jesus name.

8. Add your own prayer points.

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