Keys To Retaining Your Miracles


Date: Friday, 16th February, 2024

Text: John 5:1-14

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


It is one thing to get a miracle from God, but it is another thing to retain it. One key to keeping your miracle is thanksgiving. Ten lepers were cleansed by the Lord Jesus but only one came back to give thanks; and Jesus pronounced him whole- Luke 17:11-19.

Another key to make your miracles permanent is to stay away from sin. There was a man that was paralyzed and could not get help for 38 years. Eventually, on a particular day, Christ came to his deliverance and later that day, Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”  John 5:1-4

You received your miracle because Jesus showed you mercy. So, another key to retain your miracle is to extend God’s mercy to others. A servant got the miracle of huge debt cancellation from his master, who had earlier commanded that he be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and that payment be made. But he lost his miracle because he didn’t extend the same mercy of forgiveness to another who begged for it- Matthew 18:23-35.

Yesterday, we examined the story of a man that was heavy afflicted by legions of devils. His insanity was of the worst type. But after he got his deliverance, he spent the rest of his life propagating the gospel of Christ and his healing was indeed permanent- Mark 5:1-120. So straight away, we see another key right there- the key of service.

After you have received your miracle, dedicate your energy, time and resources to the service of the Lord and your miraculous blessings shall be permanent in Jesus name.

Action Nugget: Take necessary spiritual steps to ensure your miracle is permanent.

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