Serve Him Young (5)

Date: Monday, 12th February, 2024

Text: Proverbs 22:6

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


In order for your children to serve the Lord from their youth, they need to love God from the beginning. Be deliberate in creating an atmosphere that makes them love spiritual things. Engage them in daily worship in their personal lives and family devotions.

Teach them how to pray by modelling the right prayer structure for them. Ask for their own opinions on bible topics and lessons. Allow them to ask questions and answer all no matter how “wise” or “foolish” they sound.

Whenever you are going to any spiritual gathering, take them along so that they can have first-hand worship experience. Don’t leave your children at home because they are “too young.” In fact, their youthfulness makes them more qualified to experience God early. That experience has a way of sticking to their memories till their old age.

Children Sunday School is very vital because it forms the strong foundational building blocks for their faith early in life. There they listen to bible stories that form their initial knowledge about God.

Children love colours, animations and cartoons. So make use of these tools to stimulate their interests about God. Deliberately invest in biblical resources that are colourful and highly illustrative so that they don’t get bored reading or watching them.

Make it a daily habit to prayerfully intercede for your children so that they are filled with Holy Spirit from their childhood and that the evil influences of the world will have zero impact on their lives.

Prayer Nugget: Father, please, grant me the wisdom and grace to train my children in your way in Jesus name.

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