The Water of Life (2)

Date: Friday, 25th August, 2023

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan

Text: John 16:7;13-15


Yesterday, we established that the Holy Spirit represents the rivers of living water which was meant to flow from within those that believe in Christ- John 7:38-39.

Imagine what will happen to a fish that tries to live outside water. Suffocation and eventual death definitely will be the result.  A life without the Holy Spirit is full of avoidable crises.

The woman at the well that was met by Jesus Christ in the 4th Chapter of John was in a terrible marital mess because she was spiritually dehydrated. The Spirit of God was absent in her life, so she missed it maritally. She kept experiencing marital miscarriages because her choices of a spouse were based on trial-and-error, like someone groping in darkness trying to choose among several colours.

One of the functions of the Water of Life, the Holy Spirit is to guide God’s people into all truth and to reveal the future- John 16:13. He is the Helper and Comforter who provides everything needed to make relationships comfortable- John 14:26. All these were lacking in the life of the Samaritan woman and the result was that she kept changing husbands, hoping to get a better one, until she lost 5.

Are you thirsty? The Water of Life will quench every spiritual thirst in you, as long as you will simply take what the Holy Spirit has to offer and follow His leading on a moment-by-moment basis.

Reflective Nugget: A life without the Holy Spirit is full of avoidable crises.

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