Grace For The Humble (2)

Date: Saturday, 25th November, 2023

Text: Genesis 29:13-31

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Humility is the willingness to associate with people of low position or status. It is to have a realistic self-view and not to overestimate oneself. Genuinely humble souls enjoy the company of ordinary folks; they neither think they know it all nor view themselves as smarter than everyone else. Psalm 113:6 says, “Though God sits enthroned on high, He stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth.”

A haughty soul exhibits the attitude of “Big I, Small You.”

In today’s text Jacob found himself married to two wives, Leah and Rachel. Leah’s eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful and lovely. His love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah. When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless. God favoured the woman who was despised but resisted the one who relied on her beauty.

A minister who was invited to preach at our student fellowship back in those days narrated his experience on how God taught him humility. He had believed that his personal effort was all he needed to succeed in life. He worked so hard that he eventually finished with a First Class but he was very haughty.

He had firmly believed that his brilliant academic record would automatically land him very lucrative jobs, his character and attitude notwithstanding. That was the air he carried everywhere he went. He applied to so many companies and attended many interviews, but he got no offer for two consecutive years after graduation.

To his surprise, applicants with less academic qualifications and grades but with humble attitudes were landing the best available jobs. That was when he realized his problem and ran to God for mercy. He repented from his arrogance, humbled himself and placed his trust in God. Not long after, the Lord showed mercy and opened doors unto him. He had learnt humility the hard way.

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up- James 4:10

Prayer Nugget: I reject every haughty spirit. Father, please, clothe me with a garment of humility in Jesus name.

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