Date: Saturday, 7th December, 2024
Text: Matthew 25:14-30
Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan
God is a hard worker who neither sleeps nor slumbers- Psalm 121:4. He spent six days building the Heavens and the Earth and did not rest until the building projects were successfully completed.
Genesis 2:1-2 says, “Thus the Heavens and the Earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.”
We serve a God who hates laziness. The Lord Jesus during his earthly ministry was severally accused of working on a Sabbath, the day he was supposed to be resting, but his response was, “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work”. In other words, he was saying, “My Father has never stopped working until now, and I too am working.” John 5:17
In the Parable of the Talents, the king gave talents to three of his servants according to their individual abilities. To the one with the most ability, he gave five; to the next he gave two and to the man with the least ability he gave only one talent. Each of them was expected to trade with the talents and double it. He then went on a long journey.
On his return the king called his servants to give account of their stewardship. The man with five talents was able to trade with his money and double it; the one with the two had doubled his too; but the one with only one talent went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.
He became unproductive. One thing with unproductive people is that they always give excuses. He found fault in his master, accusing him of being a hard man who loved to reap harvests where he did not plant, and who loves to gather crops where he did not scatter seed.
His master described him as a wicked and lazy servant who should have, at least, deposited his money in the bank, so that some interests would have accrued on it before his return. He was eventually jailed and tortured for his lack of productivity- Matthew 25:14-30
Reflective Nugget: Laziness has no place in God’s kingdom.