Storms On Assignment

Date: Wednesday, 4th September, 2024

Text: Jonah 1:1-16

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Many are experiencing storms which have threatened to capsize the boats of their lives. In fact some have lost their cargoes in the process. Unfortunately, many of them don’t even know the genesis of their troubles. They probably think it’s either some enemies without or just natural occurrence.

However, we learn from today’s text that Jonah’s travail started when he left the divine covering of obedience. He had a clear instruction from the Lord but decided to go his own way- for reasons best known to him. Then the storms started.

An average child of God would like to rebuke and still the storms as Christ did in Mark 4:35-41. Christ did that because the storms were the handiwork of the devil. But not all storms are from the evil one.

Jonah’s storms were on assignment from God himself and such storms cannot obey any man. They can only respond to obedience. When requested to be thrown overboard into the sea and God knew Jonah was on his way to fulfilling his original assignment, the storm seized.

Are you passing through storms in your finances, marriage, career and other areas? And you have prayed and prayed against it but it seems things are getting worse instead of better? Why don’t you ask God to open your inner eyes to know the source of the storms? Look inwards and return to the path of obedience.

Your storms will cease in Jesus name.

Action Nugget: Look inwards and return to the path of obedience.

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