Secret Disciples (2)

Date: Tuesday, 13th August, 2024

Text: 2 Timothy 2:8-9

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


The Gospel of Christ cannot be caged; where there is a will there will definitely be a way. Paul the Apostle was imprisoned but the Spirit of God in him cannot be caged. He wrote most of the gospel epistles while he was in jail. He said, “This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained.” 2 Timothy 2:8b-9

There are some countries where Christians are not allowed to practice their faith openly. The government forbids gatherings of believers and even criminalize Bible possession or carriage. They think by so doing they have succeeded in controlling the spread of the gospel.

However, we thank God for the internet and the social media. The gospel is accessible to everybody; even in the remotest parts of the world or where there are no physical worship centres. The Bible is available in electronic forms in virtually all major languages of the world. In such places, believers may not carry the bible in their hands but they store the word of God in their hearts. Therefore, the gospel knows no boundaries.

There are secret disciples of Jesus Christ all over the world even with all the harsh restrictions in communist countries. They may not gather physically together for fear of being prosecuted but they gather virtually with other brethren online, feeding on the word of God and fellowshipping with the brethren. They evangelize and win souls using the power of technology via email and social media.

Don’t be surprised if you get to Heaven and meet millions of native born saints from countries like Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Indonesia, China, Pakistan and other places where the gospel seems not to be popular.

All the while they were on Earth and people mistake them to belong to the other religions due to their dressing or physical appearance; but many of them are secret disciples of Christ, well recognized in Heaven.

If we can still find faithful believers in difficult countries where there are harsh restrictions, how much more in your own corner of the world where you are allowed to practice your faith openly! What will be your excuse if you miss Heaven and go to Hell with all the freedom of worship that you enjoy?

Prayer Nugget: Father, by your mercy and grace I will live holy for the rest of my life and promote the gospel any where I find myself in the world in Jesus name.

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