The All-Powerful God (2)

Date: Wednesday, 3rd April, 2024

Text: Jeremiah 32:26-27

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


At a particular time, the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, saying, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:26-27.

My father-in-the Lord, Pastor E A Adeboye once narrated a barren woman’s experience. This woman, due to her past way of life had gotten her womb removed via surgery. But when she later got married, she started trusting God for the fruit of the womb. She began to attend special prayer meetings meant for the barren. After a while all the barren women in that meeting conceived except this lady.

Her pastor was worried and one day asked her what could be the reason for her own unusual delay; then she confessed that she had no womb. The pastor was disappointed and angry, saying, ‘Why did you waste my time praying for the fruit of the womb when you don’t even have a womb?’And from that day onwards, the man of God started dodging her.

When she noticed that her pastor was stylishly avoiding her, she made up her mind to seek God’s face directly. She began to pray and cried to God for mercy. One day she had a dream in which she saw a very huge spiritual personality approached her and wrapped her waist with something that looked like an animal skin; she woke up sweating.

After that encounter she noticed that her menstrual flow returned and not too long she conceived. The medical doctor who removed her womb (at the University College Hospital, Ibadan) was shocked to see another womb in the woman.

The words of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 19:26 is very true. It says, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”

Action Nugget: Do you find yourself in an impossible situation? Just exercise your faith, cry to the All-Powerful God and your case will be settled in Jesus name

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