The All-Powerful God

Date: Tuesday, 2nd April, 2024

Text: Mark 19:14-29

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Apart from God being All-Knowing (Omniscient), he is also All-Powerful (Omnipotent).

With Men so many things are impossible because man is mortal and highly limited in many areas. Man has developed Science and Technology which have made life very easy in so many aspects; however, even these have serious limitations.

For example medical scans can effectively capture images of body tissues, organs and systems; thus assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases; microscopes can detect germs that cannot be seen by the naked eyes; there are several other medical equipment that aid in the diagnosis of diseases; however, none of these can detect the presence of demons- which are the real culprits behind thousands of diseases, afflictions and sicknesses.

This explains the reason why so many ailments are beyond the scope of medical science. This also tells us why there are so many cases of terminal diseases and incurable sicknesses.

In today’s text Jesus cured an epileptic child who was also deaf and dumb was brought to Jesus; all he did was to speak a word and the demons tormenting the boy left immediately-Mark 19:14-29.

Prophetic Nugget: May the All-Powerful God deliver you from every disease in Jesus name.

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