Victory Over Satanic Frame-Ups

Date: Monday, 2nd December, 2024

Text: Genesis 39:6-23.

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


A frameup or setup is defined as the act of falsely implicating (framing) someone in a crime by providing fabricated evidence or testimony.

Joseph was framed up by Portiphar’s wife because he refused to compromise his faith by having an illicit affair with her. Before he knew what was happening, Joseph landed in prison. He was thus punished for a crime he never committed- Genesis 39:6-23.

Daniel in Babylon also suffered from the hands of evil conspirators. When they realized that the king had a plan to promote him over and above them, they made several means to find fault in him but found none.

Since they knew Daniel was an addicted worshipper of God who prayed three times daily, they devised an official prayer trap. Out of envy, his enemies cajoled the king to issue an order and enforce it strictly. They flattered him into giving orders that for thirty days no one would be permitted to request anything from any god or from any human being except from the king.

They made the king to sign an irreversible executive order which eventually landed Daniel in the lion’s den. But God sent his angels and they shut the mouth of the lions.

The evil plans they devised eventually boomeranged against his enemies as the king gave orders to arrest all those who had accused Daniel, and he had them thrown, together with their wives and children, into the pit filled with lions. Before they even reached the bottom of the pit, the lions pounced on them and broke all their bones- Daniel 6:1-28.

Your enemies will fall into the pit they have dug against you in Jesus name.

Prayer Nugget: I come against every evil frame-up instigated against me in Jesus name.

My Month of Divine Order

Date: Sunday, 1st December, 2024

Text: Luke 6:12-16

Author: Pastor Adedeji Fadehan


Welcome to the 12th month of the year. Despite all the challenges that have confronted us, God has indeed been faithful. We give God all the glory.

If you study the number 12 in the scriptures, you would see that it’s quite significant.

Jacob had 12 sons and these 12 sons became the 12 tribes of Israel.  Moses sent out 12 spies in the 13th chapter of the book of Numbers. Elijah built an altar of 12 stones when he called fire down from heaven in 1 Kings 18.

Christ chose 12 disciples which show the rule and authority of Jesus- Luke 6:12-16; The New Jerusalem has 12 gates and foundations pointing to His glorious reign- Revelation 21:12-14; when Peter cut off the soldier’s ear defending Jesus, Jesus rebuked him, saying He had the power to call down 12 legions of angels- Matthew 26:53; the tree of life will bear 12 fruit crops 12 times a year -Revelation 22.

Thus, we see that the number 12 stands for God’s government or divine order. It is symbolic of the completeness of God’s governing authority.

This new month may the rule of Satan’s government come to an end in your life, family, finances and ministry in Jesus name. May the Lordship and perfect authority of Christ hold sway in your life and situation in Jesus name.

Prayer Nuggets

  1. Father thank you for a brand new month.
  2. Despite all the challenges of the year, Father we thank you for the testimonies of victories we have.
  3. Father, please forgive us and cleanse us from every form of unrighteousness in Jesus name.
  4. May the hand of God be on me to gain unusual speed for extra-ordinary success in Jesus name.
  5. I topple every evil spiritual principality, power, rulers of darkness and wickedness in high places remote controlling my life in Jesus name.
  6. Adonai, reign and rule; preside supremely over every affair of my life like never before in Jesus name.
  7. By the precious blood of the Lamb, I redeem this month from every evil in Jesus name.
  8. As we round off the year, my life will not end with this year in Jesus name.
  9. I will not end this year with sickness, sorrow or any form of calamity in Jesus name.
  10. All my last minute miracles for this year will not elude me in Jesus name.
  11. As we round off this year, I will not fall into the trap of the enemy; I will end this year in peace and not in pieces in Jesus name.
  12. Add your own prayer requests.